Annelise A

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I love this park—and no matter which trail you take, it’s beautiful! Lots of pretty water features and plenty of places to take a breather.

This little trail through the botanical garden is an oasis from the city—it feels like you drive miles away, but you’re still only a few feet away! Great place for walks or going for runs, especially in the morning.

This is an easy, paved, pretty hike along the river bank. An easy addition to any trip to Lafayette, Indiana!

This is an iconic hike for Provo, Utah, but it’s definitely not the nicest. The trail is made of very steep switchbacks all the way up. The view at the top is nice, especially if you go in the evening. Which, you should definitely go in the evening—it gets really hot during the day because there isn’t any shade along the trail!

This is a hike that I will always remember. We climbed past the waterfall & up along the creek for quite a while—it just kept getting more beautiful and we kept finding more things to explore! When I say we, I only mean about 1/4 of our original group; a lot of them didn’t come prepared with the right kind of shoes. Bring your heavy-duty water shoes or adventure sandals like Chacos or *rubber-soled* (not foam-soled) Tevas. Next time I go I plan on setting aside more time to explore even deeper up the gulley :)

This cave is FREEZING! Do not forget a jacket, and you might even want gloves. This is a popular hike for college kids, so be prepared to see graffiti and remains of glowstick juice. Really a very neat trip, though. The rock formations are really impressive!

Who would ever think that there would be so much sand in the middle of Idaho? Not me! These sand dunes are really spectacular—when I went, we just hiked up them, but next time I'm definitely bringing sleds and sandboards!! If you're just hiking them, the view is cool, but the hike is a little tricky—just because you keep sinking down into the sand as you hike up.

This campground goes on forever!! You will always be able to find a campsite here, even when the rest of the campgrounds are full. Not to mention, the view of the stars here is spectacular! There may be fire rings here but we didn’t see any. Next time we’re bringing a propane fire or our own ring (fire restrictions out here are common).

Who needs delicate arch when you can visit Corona?! This was a pretty easy/level hike for the most part—there is one part that involves climbing up a rock with the assistance of a metal rope & another part with a permanent metal ladder to climb. Overall a very easy hike, though. And GORGEOUS scenery the entire time! Also, you do have to cross a train track at one point. But honestly one of the most rewarding hikes I’ve been on.

Looking at this rock hill, you would never guess how interesting it would be. Up top there's a little rock canyon maze—not to mention all of the signatures carved into the rock. I decided to climb up the west side, which was challenging, but if you head to the north side it's easy to walk up!

We stopped on Anchor Way to get out and stretch our legs, and were drawn to the craggy greenery of Whaler Island. There are lots of little trails covering the knoll, and the view at the top is surprisingly beautiful for such a little-known location—you have great views of the ocean and the sea lions, not to mention that it feels like you've somehow teleported to Ireland!

This trail is a great place to get up close and personal with the giant redwood trees in the national park! There are trees ruching into the clouds, trees the size of small houses that are hollowed out, and trees that have fallen down with their cross-sections on display. There is also a cute stream near the trail—don't miss it!

Driving this road is the best way to see Redwoods! You're surrounded by green on both sides, and there are tons of great places to pull over and take pictures or take mini hike. Definitely my favorite part.

This isn't much of a hike—you drive up the road through the monument and then only end up walking less than 100 feet—but the views are fabulous! Plenty of desert wildlife along the trail as well. Quick, family-friendly hike.

I love green, so this hike was a dream! #imapoet You spend a lot of the hike splashing through the creek, so bring your tevas and chacos! The trail is pretty shaded so you may want to bring a jacket. Also, don't turn around until you've reached the giant fallen trees! They're great for climbing on and taking pictures.

I've been here many times, and I love it every time I come. The best is when it's not super crowded. There is a trail that goes up over the bridge and beyond—go up there to get a great view of the falls without the crowds. Be careful, though. The misty weather and the soft dirt make it easy to slide of the trail if you're not paying attention!

I had heard how precarious and dangerous Angels Landing was, so it was never something I really wanted to do. But on our trip to Zions, my friends convinced me—and I actually loved it! Yes, there are some narrow parts (and you are very high above the ground...), but there was still plenty of space to hike safely. Honestly, the narrow part wasn't the hard part; it was the switchbacks! Beautiful view at the top, definitely worth it.

Stopped at this little beach on our way through Redwoods. The sand is interestingly black, and—at least when we went—there weren't many people. If I lived closer I honestly might just go here instead of to the regular beach! Definitely a fun stop during a Redwoods trip, tho.

This hike was much shorter than I was expecting—and I couldn't decide if I liked the little "about the history and the nature" plaques along the way—but the scenery was undeniably the best you'll find at Craters. The variety of trees, brush, and lava rock formations are really amazing! Don't skip this hike.

A few friends & I wanted to do this trail on our trip to Canyonlands. We heard it was hard, but we accidentally started out going to the White Rim Overlook—which is very easy. Eventually we found the Gooseberry trailhead, but we were so underwhelmed by the Overlook's difficulty that we were not as well prepared as we should have been... This is a crazy hike! You literally hike down THE SIDE OF A CLIFF. Literally, we saw the cliff from the Overlook & I never in a million years would have guessed that humans would be able to hike down it. Anyways, we made it to the bottom and started walking along to the White Rim Canyon cliffs. This part of the trail is pretty easy, however one of my friends was starting to feel the effects of dehydration. We turned around early & actually sent a friend up ahead to get more water from the car & bring it back down to us. Thankfully we all made it out safe & alive, but learn from our mistakes: hiking in the desert = bring LOTS of water!!!

We were actually trying to find the Gooseberry Trail when we ended up at the White Rim Overlook. It’s a quick, easy walk through red rocks and sagebrush to the overlook. Amazing views at the end—and there’s a big rock right at the point of the precipice that has a nice little shelf to sit on & take in the view. Don’t go to Canyonlands just for this, but if you’re nearby it’s an easy little hike to add on to the rest of your trip :)

I LOVE THIS HIKE! It’s beautiful, especially with all the leaves changing color in the fall, there are plenty of little campfire spots along the trail where you could pack up a campfire meal with some friends, and—the best part—there is a rope swing at the end!! Seriously so fun. The hike itself isn’t too difficult, though there are a few short scrambles and some steep sections, but for every steep incline there seems to be another decline right after. Maybe not the easiest beginner hike, but not quite intermediate either. Kids & dogs welcome. When we went we wanted to keep going to the waterfall, but it got too dark so we had to turn around (& actually ended up hiking back mainly in the dark). Very fun hike!

Just went to Craters last week—all the caves are currently closed along with the North Crater Trail. HOWEVER, if you start at the spatter cones parking lot, you can actually hike most of North Crater! The trail is closed due to instability (from an earthquake?), but the spatter cones end is fine for now. Even just going a mile in (the whole trail is about 3 miles) you will see some amazing scenery.

This isn’t much of a hike—more of a scenic overlook—but the coolest part isn’t the view... it’s the rock! The entire cone is made of a type of lava rock that is shiny, porous, & light as a feather. Apparently astronauts train here sometimes because this rock is the closest thing to moon rock we have down here on earth. Super cool! At the top there’s a few benches, some bushes & scrub brush, & a really cool gnarly tree on the far side. Definitely stop & check it out when you’re in Craters!