Placerville, Colorado

Top Spots in and near Placerville

  • Montrose County, Colorado

    Snowshoe in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

    2 mi / 377 ft gain
    Winter is a great time to visit Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Covered in snow, the canyon seems even more dramatic and sheer. The park road is plowed up until the visitor center, and there is no entrance fee in the winter. The rest of the park road is groomed for cross country skiin...
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  • Montrose, Colorado

    Hike the Oak Flat Loop

    2 mi / 377 ft gain
    Black Canyon of the Gunnison is one of Colorado's four national parks. Though not as well known as Rocky Mountain or Mesa Verde, Black Canyon has no lack of views, hiking opportunities, and other must-experience natural features. The Canyon's expanse is far too large to explore in a day, but the...
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  • Montrose, Colorado

    Drive the Scenic loop at Black Canyon of Gunnison National Park

    The Black Canyon of Gunnison is know for 2000 foot cliffs and a beautiful raging river below. The south side of the canyon is the most popular and the easiest to get to. The visitor center is also on the south side making it convenient for information and getting souvenirs. The scenic drive also ...
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  • Montrose, Colorado

    Hike the Gunnison Route

    2 mi / 1800 ft gain
    Immediately upon arriving, secure a permit to scramble down 1,800ft in one mile to the Gunnison River. There are no hiking trails below the rim of the canyon, and because of its relentless steepness and rock exposure, the only existing routes are incredibly steep and loose. To protect the delicat...
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  • Crawford, Colorado

    Hike to the Painted Wall

    1 mi / 25 ft gain
    At 2,250 feet, the Painted Wall in Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a sight that cannot be truly captured in photos. The layers of rock along the cliff's wall resembles a canvas with streaks from a paintbrush. This canyon took eons to create, and this view of the river and canyon walls is the high...
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  • Crawford, Colorado

    Hike the Chasm View Nature Trail

    1 mi
    This easy trail is located along the north rim of the canyon and can be completed as either a short loop hike or a shorter out and back to the first overlook. You’ll find the trailhead at the North Rim Campground. The views of the canyon along this trail are fantastic, some of the best in the par...
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  • Durango, Colorado

    Trimble Hot Springs

    The Trimble Spa and Natural Hot Springs offers a 101-105 degree, Olympic size swimming pool, in addition to two mineral pools, saunas, and a spa. Lodging is available as well, including a 'couple's hideaway' package.
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  • Egnar, Colorado

    Raft the Dolores River

    On years with enough moisture and runoff, kayakers, rafters, tubers and SUP-ers all take to the Dolores River. This section of water from Slick Rock to Bed Rock provides a two night, three day float through red canyon walls, meandering bends in the river, a a few notable side canyons. The water l...
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  • Durango, Colorado

    Hike the Falls Creek Loop

    4.1 mi / 393 ft gain
    The Falls Creek Loop is a 4.1 mile trail in the San Juan National Forest, just outside of Durango, Colorado. Lots of side trails jut out from the main trail, and it is easy to lose your way. Take the middle trail at the first split, and keep following the main splits. You will find yourself on a ...
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  • Durango, Colorado

    Hike the Colorado Trail to Gudy's Rest

    8.1 mi / 1400 ft gain
    This hike, a local favorite is less than five miles from downtown Durango. The entire hike offers beautiful views especially once your reach the top of Gudy's Rest. The trail starts off with a gradual uphill along Junction Creek. On this section of the trail, you will likely run into locals proba...
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  • Durango, Colorado

    Drive the San Juan Skyway from Durango to Ouray

    The drive from Durango to Ouray via Colorado 550 (The San Juan Skyway) is one of the most gorgeous roads in the country. The drive itself is worth your time, but if you have time be sure to make stops along the way at the many waterfalls, hiking trails, and lakes along the road. This drive passes...
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  • Durango, Colorado

    Hike the First Fork/Red Creek Loop

    9.8 mi / 2195 ft gain
    Leaving from Durango, head north on Florida Road/CR 240. From the intersection with County Road 250 (the last stoplight), drive about 8 miles until you reach Colvig Summer Camp. Turn northwest here. The road will soon narrow and turn to dirt - continue straight. 1 mile further, there will be a la...
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