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The Dalles, Oregon

Looking for the best hiking in The Dalles? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around The Dalles. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near The Dalles

  • Yakima County, Washington

    Mount Adams Circumambulation

    35.1 mi / 8881 ft gain
    ***Before you go on this trek, give the Yakama Nation a call and talk to a Ranger to make sure the trail is open to backpackers or hikers.*** 1-509-865-5121 or 1-509-395-3402 There are a few places you can start this adventure, but starting from the South Climb Trail Head and Cold Spring Campgrou...
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  • Rhododendron, Oregon

    Devil's Peak Lookout

    2.62 mi / 600 ft gain
    The Trail: This hike is one of the 2 routes that lead to the lookout, and the shorter of the two. It requires more driving to get to the trailhead than the other, but less walking, so if that sounds appealing to you, you have come to the right place! First, you'll be greeted by a dense forest w...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Hamilton Mountain

    5.61 mi / 2336 ft gain
    Hamilton Mountain has one of the best views in the Columbia Gorge. The hike starts out with a gradual uphill climb through an old-growth forest. After about a half-mile in you will come to a clearing where you can see the ridge line going up to the top of Hamilton Mountain. From there you'll pass...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Hardy and Rodney Falls

    2.17 mi / 699 ft gain
    Located along the Hamilton Mountain Trail, the Hardy and Rodney falls out and back hike is a good alternative for those looking for a shorter hike compared to the 7.6-mile hike to the top of Hamilton Mountain. From the Hamilton Mountain Trailhead, you will follow the trail through thick trees fo...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Beacon Rock

    1.49 mi / 351 ft gain
    Beacon Rock is one of the most recognizable landmarks along the Columbia River Gorge. It’s an 848-foot basalt monolith (a singular piece of rock) that was once the core of an ancient volcano. To access the rock, park in a developed parking area at the rock’s base that has room for about 30 cars. ...
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  • Clackamas County, Oregon

    Little Crater Lake to Timothy Lake Campground

    3.42 mi / 338 ft gain
    Little Crater Lake to Timothy Lake Campground is an out-and-back trail that takes you by a lake located near Government Camp, Oregon.
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  • Carson, Washington

    Falls Creek Falls

    5.82 mi / 1512 ft gain
    The trail to Falls Creek Falls is well maintained with a few short moderately steep areas. The trail hugs the creek for the first mile, and takes you through old growth trees for the second mile. Once the falls are in sight, make sure to stop and look up to see the top tier through the trees. It'...
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  • Skamania County, Washington

    Indian Heaven to Blue Lake

    6.71 mi / 997 ft gain
    Crowds and mosquitoes were nonexistent as we went a bit early in the season. The trails were all covered in snow, but we were able to do some way finding with a GPS and topo map. 3.5 miles in we found a dry spot next to Blue Lake and set up shop. After dropping off our gear we climbed up Gifford...
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  • Skamania County, Washington

    Hike to the Summit of Mount Adams via South Climb

    12 mi / 6700 ft gain
    Start by checking in at the Trout Lake Ranger station to pick up a Cascade Volcanoes pass for $10-$15. Continue the South Climb trailhead at the Cloud Cap Campground. Some hikers overnight here for an early start the next day.Sign out a wilderness permit at the trailhead and follow the South Clim...
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  • Rhododendron, Oregon

    Frustration Falls

    8.26 mi / 1854 ft gain
    The hike and possible rappel to Frustration Falls begins at the Salmon River trailhead right outside of Welches, Oregon. From the trailhead you follow the trail for about 4 miles at which point you reach Canyon View (Shown in pictures 5-6 above). From the main trail this is the only view of Frust...
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  • Clackamas County, Oregon

    Salmon River Trail

    4.4 mi / 50 ft gain
    Largely Flat Trail4.4 Miles roundtripOld Growth ForestRiver Scouting Opportunities There are seven trailheads all off to the right of E. Salmon River Road. All are easily accessible under normal conditions. The hike meanders alongside the river, providing ample opportunities to scout the river's...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Ponytail Falls

    0.85 mi / 463 ft gain
    Ponytail Falls is an easy 0.8 mile hike located in the gorge that begins at Horsetail Falls. After hiking up mild switchbacks, continue to your right at the first trailhead intersection. The path levels out before coming around the mountain and opening up to the waterfall. This is the easiest wa...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Horsetail Falls Loop

    2.56 mi / 610 ft gain
    Start off on this loop from Horsetail Falls Trailhead. It never hurts to start a hike with a view of Horsetail Falls. This 2.5 mile loop will start you off on Gorge trail #400 up Horsetail Falls Trail. You’ll encounter a few switchbacks before the trail flattens out and leads you into the valley ...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Three Corner Rock

    3.86 mi / 1093 ft gain
    From the Rock Creek Pass Trailhead, begin the short hike to Three Corner Rock by heading south on the Pacific Crest Trail from its crossing of Road CG 2090. After a steady 1.5-mile climb of roughly 600 feet, look for a large fallen sign marking the junction to Three Corner Rock. Shortly after, an...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Oneonta Gorge

    0.92 mi / 531 ft gain
    *Currently closed (except a small portion of the upper trail between Multnomah Spur and Trail #444 on Larch Mountain)...here This hike is very short (1 mile roundtrip) but does take some time to do. The trail leads down from the road into a stream bed. You follow the stream bed upstream through ...
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  • Corbett, Oregon

    Triple Falls

    3.4 mi / 1168 ft gain
    Access to Triple Falls is currently closed. Learn more on the Forest Service Site. This hike, starting at the Oneonta Trailhead is a 3.2 mile roundtrip. You will gain approximately 600 feet in elevation as the trail often switches from moderate flat easy hiking to more difficult elevation gain a...
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