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Winter Park, Colorado

Looking for the best hiking in Winter Park? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Winter Park. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Winter Park

  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Nymph Lake via Bear Lake Trailhead

    1.13 mi / 245 ft gain
    While not as popular as Dream Lake, Nymph Lake is just as beautiful. The hike to Nymph Lake is an easy hike just over 1 mile. You start from the Bear Lake Trail head and can go further on to Dream Lake and Emerald Lake if you want to. Both Dream and Emerald Lakes are also stunning and very photog...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Ptarmigan Lake via Bear Lake Trailhead

    11.33 mi / 3850 ft gain
    The hike to Ptarmigan Lake has plenty of elevation gain for mountain lovers and views for miles from the Continental Divide. If you want to reach this spot for sunrise you'll need a very early start in the morning, but that also means you won't have to use the shuttle system to Bear Lake. The las...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Flattop Mountain and Hallett Peak

    9.73 mi / 3240 ft gain
    Arrive at the Bear Lake Trailhead. Follow abundant signage toward Flattop Peak. Once you arrive at the summit of Flattop identify the unnamed unmaintained trail leading south toward Hallett Peak. Round the head of Tyndall Gorge and ascend the rocky slopes toward the summit by connecting short use...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Climb Notchtop Mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park

    3.5 mi / 1550 ft gain
    Park at Bear Lake, and follow the signs north of the lake to Odessa Lake. However, do NOT go all the way to Odessa Lake; after about 3 miles, when Notchtop is in full view, the trail begins to descend to Odessa Lake. Find an unmarked spur trail to the left which leads to shallow Lake Helene, then...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Hike Flattop Hallett Andrews Loop

    10.9 mi / 3238 ft gain
    Bear Lake to Flattop Mountain The trail starts at Bear Lake, where you get a view of Hallett Peak (12,713 ft) which will be the highpoint of your hike. After a short walk on the Bear Lake Trail, take the path to the right. After 1/2 a mile, take a trail left to the north. 1/2 a mile later, stay l...
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  • Evergreen, Colorado

    Hike Panorama Point at Corwina Park

    2.7 mi / 640 ft gain
    Jefferson County, the "Gateway to the Rockies" has dozens of great parks and trails. One of the best, however, is often overlooked, as it is sandwiched between bigger and more popular parks. Corwina Park is a small section located off Hwy. 74, near the village of Kittredge. Sitting between the po...
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  • Evergreen, Colorado

    Maxwell Falls

    3.95 mi / 928 ft gain
    Located just outside of Evergreen, this beginner hike is a great escape from the city for a few hours. There are three different options to hike to the falls: Maxwell Falls Lower Trail (4 miles), Upper Maxwell Falls Trail (1.1 miles), and Maxwell Falls Bluffs Cliffside Trail Loop (5 miles). On th...
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  • Larimer County, Colorado

    Bierstadt Lake Loop

    2.93 mi / 675 ft gain
    From the Bierstadt Lake Trailhead on Bear Lake Road in Rocky Mountain National Park, you start out in lodgepole pines at 8850 feet high. But you quickly get into the aspens. In the breeze, aspens flutter or quake. It's unique sound as the leaves almost dance in the wind. The views and aspens ...
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  • Conifer, Colorado

    Upper Maxwell Falls Trail

    1.11 mi / 135 ft gain
    Upper Maxwell Falls Trail is an out-and-back trail, which is the shortest and most direct route to Maxwell Falls located near Conifer, Colorado. If you're looking for a little longer trail, check out this Maxwell Falls adventure for a roughly 4-mile loop hike. 
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Sprague Lake Loop

    0.81 mi / 26 ft gain
    Located in Rocky Mountain National Park at an elevation of almost 8,700 feet, Sprague Lake offers visitors great views with very little effort required. It's a short 15 minute drive from Estes Park and hikers can take the short trail around the circumference of the lake. You'll find bathrooms and...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Hike the Eagle Sage Loop

    3.75 mi / 205 ft gain
    This is a great trail if you are in the Boulder area and want something fairly easy or quick. This 3.75 loop can be hiked in about an hour and a half since it is fairly flat. The elevation gain is minimal. You start out at the Eagle Trailhead located west of the Boulder Reservoir.Start out at the...
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  • Lyons, Colorado

    Camp at Coulson Gulch

    9 mi
    Coulson Gulch is a lightly used area of the Roosevelt National Forest which makes it perfect for a weekend getaway without the crowds. This is a great place to camp out under the stars!To get to Coulson Gulch From Lyons, head west on U.S. Highway 36 for about 9 miles. Turn southwest onto Larimer ...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike South Table Mountain

    3.3 mi / 1500 ft gain
    Want to see a rainbow? Possibly some coyotes or other Colorado wildlife?This hike is full of twists and turns, mostly involving the trail, but also in surprises along the way.Drive into downtown Golden (grab some food if you're hungry) and then park at the base of the Golden Summit trail. Startin...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Twin Sisters Peak

    7.48 mi / 2470 ft gain
    The trailhead starts close to 9,000 ft elevation. It continues at a gradual slope through the forest for a long way. The trail does not exit the tree line until close to the top, where there is a boulder field, of sorts (slightly over 11,000 ft). Don't worry, there is a nice trail all the way to ...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Estes Cone

    8.22 mi / 2275 ft gain
    The trail begins on the left on a park service road before reaching a junction with the Storm Pass Trail just past .2 miles. Follow the trail as it enters the forest and continue past the private property signs and over a footbridge. Past the bridge the trail climbs more steadily for just under 2...
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  • Breckenridge, Colorado

    B&B to Reiling Dredge to Minnie Mine

    2.84 mi / 436 ft gain
    B&B to Reiling Dredge to Minnie Mine is a loop trail that provides a good opportunity to view wildlife located near Breckenridge, Colorado.
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