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Winter Park, Colorado

Looking for the best hiking in Winter Park? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Winter Park. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Winter Park

  • Boulder, Colorado

    Boulder's Skyline Traverse

    14.77 mi / 4583 ft gain
    Have you ever reached the bottom of a hike with some friends and thought, 'That was nice, but I'd still like to hike more... a lot more.'? Then the Skyline Traverse is for you. Instead of hiking just Green Mountain or Bear Peak, the Skyline Traverse links South Boulder Peak, Bear Peak, Green Mou...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Shanahan Ridge Trail

    3.84 mi / 715 ft gain
    Starting on the edge of a neighborhood in South Boulder, this 3.8 mile loop begins its 869 foot elevation gain by meandering through a pine forest. You can 'choose your own adventure' by exploring the handful of trails that meet up with the Shanahan Ridge Trail, such as the South Mesa Trail, Shad...
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  • Frisco, Colorado

    Frisco to Vail through Hike

    13.55 mi / 3430 ft gain
    Starting at the Meadow Creek Trail head just off the turn off to Frisco this hike connects the stunning Eccles Pass and Gore Creek trails.Passing over Eccles Pass (11,917') and Red Buffalo Pass (11,742') this spectacular hike passes through dense forest, serene lakes and bubbling creeks.The Vail ...
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  • Frisco, Colorado

    Hike to Eccles Pass

    10 mi / 3000 ft gain
    Starting at just over 9,000ft the Meadow Creek trail follows the path of the similarly named Meadow Creek. Through a canopy of aspens and pines the trail climbs at a steady, moderate rate. After a few water crossings the trees give way to an alpine meadow that offer a view of the final approach t...
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  • Frisco, Colorado

    Hike Red Buffalo Pass, Frisco to East Vail

    13.2 mi / 3400 ft gain
    Starting at the Meadow Creek trailhead in Frisco, you'll find yourself ending up in East Vail at Gore Lake Trailhead. See all photos here.  The trail in Meadow Creek starts to climb at a gradual pace for the 3-4 miles, after a mile or so, take a look back upon the views of Lake Dillion. You'll ar...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Wonderland Lake Trail

    1.85 mi / 98 ft gain
    Wonderland Lake Trail is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near Boulder, Colorado.
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Foothills Trail to Wonderland Lake Loop Trail

    2.93 mi / 223 ft gain
    Foothills Trail to Wonderland Lake Loop Trail is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near Boulder, Colorado.
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Hike the Flatirons Vista Loop Trail

    3.3 mi
    From the parking lot, take South Flatiron Vista Trail for 2.4 miles, where you'll cross onto North Flatiron Vista Trail. In 1 mile, take the connector trail back to the trailhead. To shorten the loop to 2 miles, hike South Flatiron for just 1 mile to Prairie Vista Trail, which leads back to the c...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Mount Galbraith

    5.8 mi / 1247 ft gain
    Starting at roughly 6,000 ft. this hike will take you to the Mount Galbraith Loop Trail that circles the summit of the Mountain which peaks at 7,247 ft.  Getting there is very simple, from State Highway 93, take Golden Gate Canyon Road west approximately 1.5 miles to the parking area and trailhea...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Hogback Ridge Trail

    2.85 mi / 830 ft gain
    Hogback Ridge Trail is a loop trail where you may see beautiful wildflowers located near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    South Boulder Creek - Mesa Trail - Lower Big Bluestem Loop

    4.46 mi / 453 ft gain
    This 4 mile loop ascends only a slight amount in elevation, making for a pleasant loop in which opportunities for appreciation of the nature around you and broad vista photography are in plentiful supply. A great hike for those who may still be building their fitness, as so many trails in Boulder...
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  • 1398 Longs Peak Road, Colorado

    Storm Peak and Mount Lady Washington

    12.57 mi / 5312 ft gain
    This adventure began at the Longs Peak trailhead in southeastern Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. I followed the Longs Peak trail for 6 miles to the Boulderfield backcountry camping area. This is a fairly steep on-trail climb of 3,360 feet. After setting up camp at 12,760 feet, my partner...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Longs Peak

    13.3 mi / 5100 ft gain
    For the most part, this hike is very straightforward, so I'll essentially skip over the first 5.5 or so miles of the hike, but, in case you don't know: Start (very early so you get a parking spot) from the trailhead right next to the parking lot (the road to it is paved - seriously this mountain...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Peacock Pool

    7.9 mi / 2438 ft gain
    The peacock pool is a cool little tarn below the outlet to Chasm Lake. Please note that this adventure is best done in the winter/spring when snow is present to prevent erosion in the sensitive area. That is how the description will be written, assuming winter conditions. The approach is the sa...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Boulderfield Campground via Longs Peak Trail

    11.39 mi / 3337 ft gain
    Boulder Field is a high alpine backcountry site on Longs Peak, and is a popular camp for backpackers attempting to summit Longs Peak via the Keyhole route. At an impressive elevation of 12,760 feet, Boulder Field is a vast wasteland of rocks that sits 500 feet below the famous Keyhole feature, an...
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  • Estes Park, Colorado

    Chasm Lake via Longs Peak Trailhead

    8.01 mi / 2425 ft gain
    The 4-mile trail climbs around 2500ft from the Longs Peak trailhead and starts by winding through dense forest. In the morning darkness, trudging through thick trees isn’t the most exciting, but when you finally climb out above treeline, the massive profile of Longs and the slowly growing light o...
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