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Englewood, Colorado

Top Spots in and near Englewood

  • Ward, Colorado

    Hike the Ceran St. Vrain Trail

    4 mi / 1207 ft gain
    The Ceran St. Vrain trail north of Jamestown offers the hiker a nice respite from the summer sun as this path runs through dense pine forests. The trail follows the South St. Vrain Creek for most of the way and follows moderate grades throughout. There is no official end to the trail, only that i...
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  • Ward, Colorado

    Snowshoe Long Lake

    8 mi / 200 ft gain
    A long but extremely scenic hike tucked in Colorado's Indian Peaks wilderness. The entire Long Lake trail says 2.3 mile but due to winter conditions and snow pack you can really only make it the east edge of the lake. Exit Long lake loop back on to Brainard Lake Road (currently under construction...
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  • Ward, Colorado

    Snowshoe Mount Audubon

    13.9 mi / 2715 ft gain
    Want to start snowshoeing peaks?! Of course you do! If you don't already have snowshoes, you can rent a pair at your local REI (the one in Boulder, CO is closest to this hike). Check the snow conditions and if there is a fair amount of snow, I would recommend renting the larger of the two kinds o...
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  • Ward, Colorado

    Winter Camp at Lefthand Reservoir

    3 mi / 250 ft gain
    The Brainard Lake Recreation Area is a winter adventurers playground with numerous snowshoe and cross country ski options to be explored. This area is popular as it offers dramatic mountain peaks, a trail for everyone (no motorized vehicles off of pavement), and close proximity to the Denver and ...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Hike Rollins Pass to Devils Thumb

    2.1 mi / 622 ft gain
    Corona Lake is an easy, short hike if you're pressed for time. It's scenic, secluded, and will put you in a great spot to hike to Devils Thumb the next day. There are two ways to reach Devils Thumb. This is considered the "easier" route because of the "lack of elevation gain." The sun and wind re...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Upper Diamond Lake via Fourth of July Trailhead

    8.12 mi / 2037 ft gain
    The trail begins at the 4th of July trailhead, which is located near the Eldora ski area and can be crowded during the summer and weekends. The road is rough in places but passable by any car when dry. From the parking area begin hiking the Arapaho pass trail, which will gently gain elevation thr...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Hike to Arapaho Pass and Lake Dorothy

    7.5 mi / 2080 ft gain
    Begin by parking at the 4th of July trailhead. This can be reached by conituing past the Eldora ski area and up a rough but passable (for all vehicles) gravel road to the trailhead. The trail is easy to find, and will continue to rise for the next 1.15 miles.At just over a mile there is a fork fo...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Hike South Araphaho Peak

    8 mi / 2533 ft gain
    Start your hike at the 4th of July Trailhead, just outside of Eldora, CO. From the trailhead at the north end of the parking lot, steadily climb through the trees until a junction at 1 mile. Take the right fork towards Arapaho pass.You'll start to climb above treeline, with spectacular views of t...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Backpack to Caribou Lake

    8.2 mi
    This is one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever done in Colorado. It is a great trip for photographers, fisherman or anyone who enjoys mountain views, forests filled with wildlife and peaceful meadows. Distances: Arapaho Pass: 3.2 miles, Caribou Lake: 4.2 miles, Caribou Pass: 6.4 miles, Meado...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Hike the Arapaho Traverse

    8.3 mi / 3500 ft gain
    Begin at the Fourth of July Trailhead.  Day parking is free and overnight parking is $5.  Fourth of July is a popular trailhead and to ensure parking, you should arrive early in the morning (6am-ish... cause, I mean, you gotta 7 hour day in front of you). Follow the Fourth of July trail from the ...
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  • Nederland, Colorado

    Hike to Diamond Lake in the Indian Peaks Wilderness

    5.7 mi / 1361 ft gain
    Diamond Lake is located in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. This is a super popular destination, so make sure you arrive early to get a parking spot (and be sure to follow all parking rules, they do give out tickets at this trailhead and others nearby). The drive to the trailhead is about 4 miles dow...
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  • Woodland Park, Colorado

    Red Rocks at Woodland Park

    1 mi / 100 ft gain
    In Woodland Park driving on HWY 24 towards Divide, you will see signs for HWY 67 which is where you'll need to get to. The Road will fork towards the end of town (left being 24 towards Divide, Right being 67). Stay right at the fork onto 67. You will then drive about 2 miles until you see a sign ...
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  • Ward, Colorado

    Explore Red Rock Lake, CO

    If you are looking for great reflections, color and mountain peaks for your photos, this lake is a great place to start. The Brainard Lake Recreational Area has so much to do, but this is a stop not to miss.It seems that everyone drives on by this little gem to get to Brainard Lake and the hiking...
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  • Silver Plume, Colorado

    Grays and Torreys Peaks

    7.97 mi / 3458 ft gain
    At about an hour's drive from Denver, Grays Peak (14,270 ft./4338m) and its sister mountain, Torreys Peak (14,267 ft./4337m), are two of the most popular 14ers in the state. Because of this, a wealth of information is available on the internet. Rather than go into all the details of the technical...
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  • Silver Plume, Colorado

    Torrey's Peak via Kelso Ridge

    5.79 mi / 2982 ft gain
    The start of this route up the Kelso Ridge is the same as doing the standard route of Gray's and Torrey's peaks. From the trailhead cross the large metal bridge and continue on the great trail as it slowly climbs away from the parking lot and trailhead. This first section is not steep, but prov...
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  • Silver Plume, Colorado

    Grays Peak Trail

    7.25 mi / 2995 ft gain
    The first challenge you'll face on your way to the summit of Gray's peak is Steven's Gulch Road. My Corolla rolled up to the start of what I’ve seen described as a “4x4 road that should probably not be attempted in a low clearance vehicle”. But what the heck, it was late, and I didn't feel like w...
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