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Tyler Bunnell

Hiking the trail in autumn is a rare treat. Beautiful fall colors abound, while the river chatters below. A cool canyon breeze keeps you comfortable as you press on to the springs. Upon arrival, you will be stunned by the color and quality of the water, flowing through several pools and surrounded by spectacular mountain scenery. Many pictures were taken that day! Stay late into the night, if you are able, to see the stars and watch the moon rise over the mountains, flooding the pools with an almost otherworldly light as it plays off the milky waters. While it does get crowded, there is plenty of space for everyone. Be aware that there may be nude bathers. Also be aware that officers have been known to pop out of the bushes and write tickets to said nude bathers. All in all, a wonderful experience, definitely worth a trip if you are in the area. And a special treat: if you do this hike at night, shine your flashlight up on the hills as you walk. Watch for bright yellow eye shine very near the ground. Just after dusk is when the giant wolf spiders come out. They are amazing!