Rory Court

My girlfriend and I went here in the fall, regretfully, we did not hike the trail but rather came to sit by the lake and enjoy the quiet(ish) surroundings. The boathouse is cool, but don't come here if you are just coming for the shot...

A good friend of mine and I spent a Saturday Snowshoeing Hollyburn! The drive up itself offers amazing views but the views on the way up to the peak are jaw dropping. It can be pretty busy on the weekends but that honestly doesn't take away from the experience at all. If sun is in the forecast, skip the lift lines and snowshoe up to Hollyburn peak instead, a great way to spend your day :)

This place is very cool and the ticket is worth it if you are a BC resident because you can get an annual pass for the ticket price. The place is waaaay too crowded on weekends however, and I would say that Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge is cooler. However, Capilano suspension Bridge and the park is still pretty awesome and worth checking out! Best to come when it is pouring rain or on a weekday when less tourists are around.

If you don't have a lot of time to spare but want to get outside and get some fresh air, this is a great spot. The hike is relatively laid back and takes about an hour at a relaxed pace. They say getting outdoors and getting fresh air is good for the mind and the body, so you should check this place out!

This is a great pit stop off the Sea-to-Sky, it's a relatively short walk to the viewpoint of the falls. Keep in mind, it's not technically legal to hike down to the base of the falls and you could face a fine, but that's up to you.

This is a really fun hike for anyone to go on. The views from Dog Peak are spectacular and the overall difficulty of the hike is minor. I took my girlfriend on this hike when she was new to the hiking scene and she absolutely loved it. Made for a great experience for the both of us.

It can be a slight challenge to find the park, however, trust Google Maps and you'll be fine! There are lots of awesome trails that lead to the lighthouse that are short and easy for anyone. Take it easy and enjoy the park, the lighthouse itself is super cool and there are many terrific viewpoints in the park, both of the city and on the other side, Squamish Inlet.

Beginner to hiking? Just do first peak. Looking for a total workout, do all three peaks. First peak offers some super cool views of Squamish Inlet, we stopped and had lunch on this peak. We then decided to head back down and back up to second and third peak, there are some super cool spots along the backside of the chief as you head up to second peak - sometimes people slack line across a massive drop.

You'll pass this little tiny watering hole on the way up to Dog Peak, it's a peaceful spot and the water is almost guaranteed to be glass calm because it is quite protected. Don't venture off the trail as the city is trying to protect the marine species in this lake!

Rice Lake isn't massive and doesn't offer panoramic views but it does offer peace. It's a nice quiet spot close to the city that let's you disengage and relax. I found it incredibly rewarding to blow off some steam and gain some mental clarity hanging out around Rice Lake :)

This is a great spot to come if anyone in your group is new to kayaking and is still fun even if you are not. There is a good chance you will "sea" some wildlife, we saw some seals while we were paddling. Deep Cove Kayak has lots of information available to plan out a nice adventure, they have created a lot of great routes depending on the amount of time you have. If you can, go as doubles and you'll be able to cut down on your costs.

This is one of the best hikes in the region if you are looking for something physically demanding and incredibly rewarding! The hike starts off with an intense 6km up the mountain with lots of switchbacks, the next three km to the Garibaldi Camp is more subtle and a nice refreshing way to finish off your incline. Be warned, people have ruined the shelter and surrounding area with garbage, so much so that a bear was killed in the area this year. We ran into a bear on our hike down the next day after camping, it wasn't the biggest bear but a bear nonetheless. My guess would be that it smelt the garbage, we ran into it not far from the camp. As far as the camping goes, it's a great spot and it is easy to find a spot with seclusion and privacy. My experience was in early spring when there was still lots of snow and it was below freezing, maybe that's why we were able to find some seclusion?

Had an incredibly peaceful time camping here, the creek provides the perfect spot for a good sleep and relaxing stay.

We hiked the short 1km up to the viewpoint and were blown away by the views. Not only do you have a phenomenal view of the loop on the highway and Seton Lake, but in the opposite direction you can see down the mountain range that Duffey Lake Raod follows just South of Lillooet. I would highly recommend checking out this viewpoint and camping at one of the four BC Forest Service recreation sites South of this hike on Duffey Lake Road(Highway 99). Thanks for sharing Kaila :)

This hike is a constant elevation gain for all 1550m to the top and takes about 5-6 hours if you are taking lots of breaks and enjoying your time. The view at the top is absolutely phenomenal! It is the highest peak in the region and you have panoramic views of Squamish inlet, the islands and the Lions. Be warned, the saddle to the highest point is very dangerous and should not be attempted by those with no scrambling experience. A mistake could lead to death.

Not because it's a nude beach, but because you can get the best sunsets of anywhere in Vancouver here.