Prospect Park Loop

Brooklyn, New York

based on 1 reviews



3.65 miles

Elevation Gain

223 ft

Route Type



Added by The Outbound Collective

This 585-acre public park in Brooklyn is open daily from 5am - 1am. This family-friendly park not only offers a great place for a sunset picnic, but also provides lots of additional activities (carousel, Audubon Center, zoo, tennis center, etc.).

There are multiple places to enter Prospect Park. If you're looking for the main entrance to Prospect Park, it faces the stunning Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. It is adjacent to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the flagship Brooklyn Public Library, and the Brooklyn Museum. As you enter the park, you can follow the gpx track and walk out onto the Long Meadow, a 90-acre field of rolling green space. In this wide open space, children can play independently while parents picnic from a distance.

Inside the park you can find the Zucker Natural Exploration Area, which opened one month ago – a natural playground that reuses many of the trees damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The Prospect Park Boathouse houses the nation's first urban Audobon Center, dedicated to conserving wildlife. The 12-acre Prospect Park Zoo may be small, but with 150 animal species and a low admission price, it has remained a popular destination.

Finally, Prospect Park Lake is a great place to feed the ducks and photograph the sunset. Bring your loved ones and make a full day exploring the park and watching the sunset.

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Easy Parking
Family Friendly
Food Nearby
Picnic Area
ADA Accessible

Prospect Park Loop Reviews

You can get lost wandering around here. The park is massive and tons of open fields for dogs. Very pretty park!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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