Matt Moser

Schedule a group dinner or camping night after because you are most likely going to finish up with a lot of tasty abalone

One of my favorite rides. Stop by Sam's in Tiburon for some cocktails or beers and a great view. Take the ferry back if the libations provide too much demotivation. Just be prepared for the last big climb to get to the bridge from Sausalito. Its a challenge, but it provides a great feeling of accomplishment as you take your victory pass over the bridge

Great guides. They make it enjoyable whether your a seasoned diver or a first time ocean goer. Plenty of instruction on how to find, capture, and even prepare the tasty bounty

Great adventure, but make sure you abide by all traffic laws. The cops won't hesitate to slap you with a ticket for not stopping at stop signs or stop lights even if your on a bike.