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jen d

This section of river is a known death trap. PLEASE do not listen to the notes of the author. it is an exceptionally beautiful area to view and maybe dip your toes in, but incredibly dangerous to swim (and I'm a strong swimmer) Hopefully once you arrive at the location you will take heed of the official "Danger/no swimming" signs posted in the area To the author, please remove this post, you're going to get some unsuspecting adventurer killed. MOST IMPORTANT - this is NOT a good place to "float the river on a tube" there are TWO large waterfalls not too far downriver from here that will instantly kill someone who decides to float down river from here. You are going to kill people with this advice. Unless you want people going over this in a damn inner tube https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8037794,-121.53495,3a,90y,298.2h,56.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipPiG3GNF1kyl0t0WJXqn5LfdUg9v3ow4bjczn6x!2e10!7i10240!8i5120 Or, in the unlikely event they survived that waterfall... the second waterfall downstream is sure to finish the job https://www.waterfallsnorthwest.com/pictures/1341814371-Sunset-Falls-WA.jpg