Frankie S

Here's my account on this hike... While staying in Ubud, Indonesia I was searching for a way to get out, do some trekking and enjoy the views of Indonesia. Ubud is known for it's yoga, monkeys and super laid back vibes and access to some of the areas best volcano hiking. Using the local guides suggest by our bungalow owner I paid about $40 USD to reserve my spot in a rather full van heading to hike the Mt. Batur volcano for sunrise. That might seem expensive to some but they make the most of out the tourists in the area; if your with a group or even a pair try to negotiate that price down a little bit. Regardless one of the best $40 I spent during my time in Indonesia - here's how this adventure unfolds: 2AM Van picks me up (solo hiking) in Ubud, Indosnesia and continues to travel around town picking up other hikers 1 hour 30 mins drive time to base of Mt. Batur Arrive to Mt. Batur base camp and trailhead at 3:30AM The guides provide flashlights (thankfully I brought my headlamp with me) and you begin the trek in the dark by moonlight, headlamp and flash light First 0.3 mile of hike is relatively easy before reaching the steep switch backs heading up Mt. Batur From 4AM-6AM we hike on steep switch backs up sketchy volcanic rocks and dirt 6:10AM and 2.0 miles hiking we reached the crater summit, the guides are super helpful always lending a helping hand, a blanket to anyone who needs it, my guide stuck with me the entire time even when I lagged behind the group to shoot a few astrophotography images. 6:15AM experienced + photographed one of the most incredible sunrises of my life as the sun slowly illuminates the valley floor below and you stare at the impressive views of Mt Abung and Mt Agung 7:00AM The guides take you around the perimeter of the volcano crater for more outstanding views (this portion is optional or you can sit and take in the views) 7:45AM The guides begin to gather the groups up and start trekking down 2 miles back to car park. The way down seemed more precarious than the way up; lots of loose volcanic rocks and soil shift and move under your feet. 9AM Arrive back at parking lot; loaded back into tour vans and guides proceeded to take us back to the town of Ubud, Indonesia.

The drive and hike are incredible scenic. I'm going to have to say this was a pretty solid and long hike. Bring plenty of water, snacks and a camera with tons of memory card space. Hike dips in and out of glacial valleys filled with waterfalls, river beds and beautiful New Zealand greenery.

Sweet hike, views at the top. Bring the wide angle and the tele!!

Great spot, if you find the main parking area full head up the scenic byway just past echo lake towards Juniper pass for some really, really sweet views of Mt. Evans and more!