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Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia

Looking for the best camping in Shawnigan Lake? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Shawnigan Lake. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Camping Spots in and near Shawnigan Lake

  • Port Angeles, Washington

    Humes Ranch and Goblin Gates

    6.4 mi / 994 ft gain
    The Elwha River Trail cuts south into the heart of Olympic National Park along a densely forested valley, following the same route taken by some of the earliest explorers of the Olympic Peninsula at the end of the 19th century. Past Port Angeles, at a hard curve in US-101, take Olympic Hot Sprin...
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  • Oak Harbor, Washington

    Camp & Hike at the Deception Pass Headlands

    5 mi
    THE TRAIL: On the north side of the bridge, you'll come across Rosario Rd. Take this down to the Bowman Bay parking lot and your trailhead begins here. Take a moment to walk out on the fishing pier or watch what people are catching before you continue south on the trail towards Lottie Bay/Lightho...
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  • Cowichan Valley F, British Columbia

    Camp at Nitinat Lake

    Nitinat Lake is located about 70 km from Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island. It's about a 2 h drive from Lake Cowichan with 1 h on logging roads. When you get close to Lake Cowichan, the highway splits into two possible routes, one on the south side of the lake, the second on the north side. Since...
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  • Anacortes, Washington

    Kayak Camp on Cypress Island

    16 mi
    We set out from the town of Anacortes, WA from Seafarers Memorial Park with a group of 6 people. Two in single kayaks and four in two tandem kayaks. After setting out into the water, keep to the west of Guemes island and follow the shoreline for a shorter trip or follow the east side for a longer...
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  • Port Angeles, Washington

    High Divide and 7 Lakes Basin

    19.93 mi / 5056 ft gain
    A day spent plying the trails of the High Divide in Olympic National Park changes an outdoorsman. This moderate to strenuous loop boasts the best views on the peninsula, a chance to see foraging black bears and abundant deer, stunning waterfalls and marvelous old growth forests. By the time you f...
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