• Canada
  • Alberta
  • Spruce Grove
  • Spruce Grove, Alberta

    Top Spots in and near Spruce Grove

    • Spruce Grove, Alberta

      Hike Clifford E. Lee Nature Sanctuary

      3.1 mi
      Just 33 km southwest of Edmonton is Clifford E Lee Nature Sanctuary. A 348 acre protected area in Parkland County that attracts a diversity of animals, and bird species. The area has about 5 km of multiple connected trails through the diverse landscape and is classified as easy. Once you leave th...
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    • Leduc County, Alberta

      Bike Elk Island's Moss Lake Trail

      8.1 mi
      The Moss Lake Trail is a 13km loop over moderately hilly terrain that can be completed in about 1.5-2 hours by mountain bike. The trail itself consists mostly of short, low cut grass, which is quite a different experience from riding on a dirt path and is a bit more of a workout. This trail is es...
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    • Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

      Hike Amisk Wuche Trail, Elk Island National Park

      1.7 mi / 170.6 ft gain
      35 minutes east of Edmonton (or one hour from the Edmonton International airport) is Elk Island National Park, a diverse northern prairie ecosystem with grassland, aspen and boreal forest that is home to a variety of mammals and over 250 bird species. The Amisk Wuche (Cree for “Beaver Hills”) Tra...
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