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Banff National Park, Alberta

Looking for the best chillin in Banff National Park? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Banff National Park. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Chillin Spots in and near Banff National Park

  • Kananaskis, Alberta

    Scramble up Mount Sparrowhawk for Sunrise

    7.5 mi / 4527.6 ft gain
    Mount Sparrowhawk was the first mountain I ever fell in love with -- I knew it well, and I knew that the summit would still be accessible with a bit of snow on it in October. With waning daylight hours, it was a perfect option - albeit intense - for a sunrise hike.The trailhead is located on the ...
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  • Saskatchewan River Crossing, Alberta

    Backpack to Michelle Lakes

    11.2 mi / 7545.9 ft gain
    Trailhead Owen Creek located by the East Banff National Park Boundary on the David Thompson Highway (#11). There is no sign for Owen Creek so keep you eyes open for a pullout approximately 2kms east of the Banff National Park toll gate. You will find the trail to the right of the creek when facin...
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