Saline Warm Springs

Inyo, California

based on 1 reviews


Added by Nathaniel Polta

At Saline Warm Springs you can see Death Valley's aura as you are pulled away to a place where the burros roam with the nudists.

Starting from Panamint Springs, you can top off your gas levels (Stovepipe Wells is cheaper), and continue west on the 190 until you hit the Saline Valley Alt Route. It begins as a well maintained dirt road, but worsens as you continue into the valley. Take your time down the 45 mile road and beware the washouts till you reach the right turn to head East towards the springs. Once you're an additional couple miles down the turnoff you will see a large artistic sign for Bat Rock Road. Stay to the right, and after that sign the springs and campground are just ahead. Roads may vary depending on season.

You can choose to camp anywhere from the lower springs to upper springs, with the middle springs being a favorite. Take your time to meet the people who get out there and enjoy some of the more permanent art installations. Be aware that bats come to the springs at night to drink, so if you choose to be a part of their environment, choose to blend in. During the day, there are petroglyphs to visit, or a hike in any direction. You may camp for 30 days permit free.

Be sure to have everything you would need for a weekend. There is no place to buy supplies.

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Dog Friendly
Family Friendly
Hot Springs
Picnic Area

Saline Warm Springs Reviews

Saline Valley is a hidden gem within DVNP, but the adventure should only be undertaken by the most prepared of folks and is not for the faint of heart. If you don't trust your vehicle, don't know how to change a spare, or don't have a decent sense of direction this is not for you. If you decide to venture here, be respectful and help keep this place going - consider contributing $20 to Lizard Lee (the camphost) for upkeep costs, offer to help clean one of the soaking tubs, or bring supplies like toilet paper, bleach, hand sanitizer or other cleaning products.

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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