Hike to Jones Run Waterfall
Crozet, Virginia
2 miles
Elevation Gain
800 ft
Route Type
Added by Jess Fischer
This little known waterfall in Shenandoah is the perfect, quiet place to visit to avoid the crowds while still getting to enjoy some beautiful falls.
This little known waterfall is located close to the more popular waterfall, Doyles River Falls. Staring at the Jones Run parking area turn left downhill following the blue blazed Jones Run trail. After 1.7 miles you will reach the main waterfall. You can either stay here and enjoy the waterfall or hike 0.1 miles further to a smaller set of falls below the main falls. Another set of cascades are 0.2 miles past this point. Wherever you decide to stop and enjoy the view be very careful- the rocks are extremely slippery year round.
From here you can either head back up the mountain to the Jones Run parking area or you can continue down the trail and loop around to Doyles Falls. For more information on the Doyles Falls hike go here: https://www.theoutbound.com/vi...
Once you hike down to the river there are many spots along the trail where you will find little swimming holes. It's very difficult to describe exactly where these swimming holes are so instead my best advice is to keep an open eye for little side paths off of the trail- they may lead to nowhere but a lot of them will take you to amazing little swimming holes!
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Hike to Jones Run Waterfall Reviews
Good falls, decent swimming holes, but all the work is on the way back to the car so it’s almost a tease, climbing down the falls with ease and then sweating on the way back!
Jones River Falls has a nice hike to a beautiful waterfall. It's also just down the trail from Doyle River Falls which is another great waterfall in Shenandoah.
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