Albion Meadows Trail

Alta, Utah

based on 7 reviews



2.86 miles

Elevation Gain

696 ft

Route Type



Added by Lindsay Daniels

During the right months, Albion Meadows Trail offers an incredible array of wildflowers with beautiful mountain scenery.

At Albion Basin, wildflowers you will see include lupine, Indian paintbrush, American bistort, sunflowers, fireweed, and many more!

Drive to the very top of Little Cottonwood Canyon and park at the Albion Grill. There is a trail just behind the Grill that takes you through a variety of wildflowers and offers great mountain views. As you hike up the trail, keep right to get a view of Devils Castle (maybe 1/4 mile). Keep an eye out for moose and deer as they are always hanging around this area.

There is also a 'drive-thru' option: to gain easy access, but not as convenient parking, keep driving straight until Little Cottonwood Canyon Road turns into a dirt road called Albion Basin Road. This road takes you to the trailhead of Catherine Pass and Cecret Lake, where there are two small parking lots for each. These lots fill up quickly during peak wildflower season, and parking along the side of the road is not allowed. I would only suggest this option if you don't plan on getting out of your car (but what fun is that!?).

If you want alpenglow on Devils Castle, the best time to shoot is at sunset. Sunrise is a lot quieter, and can offer a different perspective, so don't rule it out as an option. Regarding time of year, the wildflower season at Albion Basin typically peaks around the middle of July.

If you're looking for a late bite to eat after waiting out sunset, try the Porcupine Grill at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon, or Akasaka Sushi on 6196 Highland Drive.

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Albion Meadows Trail Reviews

A great area to explore with wild flowers covering the basin in the summertime - phenomenal place to sit and chill!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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