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Added by Robert Beck

Want to explore the arctic ice sheets but don't have the mula to get there? No worries! Winter kayaking after a good freeze will give you that exact feeling of wonder and awe as you are surrounded by the beauty of the water, ice and snow-covered Wasatch mountains.

During winter, the temperatures will drop to below freezing and Utah Lake will freeze over with a thick enough ice sheet that I've heard stories of people walking across. However, the Provo River, the major drainage of the Uintas, feeds into the lake and the moving water will not freeze, allowing you to paddle out the river (flat water) to the lake and check out the ice sheet from the comfort of your kayak. The size of the area you can kayak in will depend on the thaw/freeze conditions of the lake.


Drive West on Provo Center street (exit 265 from I-15) until you reach the state park gate at which you will have to pay a day use fee. You can access the river from within the park where there are plentiful amenities, bathrooms, bbq pits, docks etc... Or you can park at the Provo-Jordan River Trail access point across the street to the north, or park and put in at the bridge you just crossed directly across from the entrance gate to the park. From there you can float out to the lake and back through flat water with a mild current.

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