Enumclaw, Washington

Top Spots in and near Enumclaw

  • Skykomish, Washington

    Jade Lake via the Necklace Valley Trail

    15.26 mi / 3323 ft gain
    This hike is definitely one of our all-time favorites. The first time we did it was in August 2015 and due to the exceptionally mild winter that year, fall was already beginning to show its colors. We wanted to see it again in the springtime when everything was in bloom, so we decided to go again...
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  • Bremerton, Washington

    Hike the Gold Creek Trail at Green Mountain

    5 mi / 1000 ft gain
    The Gold Creek Trail is one of several trails in the Green Mountain region. Although the trail is intertwined with others, it is almost impossible to start down the wrong path. The trail is well-marked and well-maintained, making this an excellent option for the family.  The trail begins at the e...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Lake Serene and Bridal Veil Falls

    7.74 mi / 2569 ft gain
    Consider this a must-do if you are in Seattle and feel like knocking out two amazing hikes AND getting to see a hidden lake all along US 2. The trail starts out on an old road with the typical amazing forest surrounding you. After roughly 2 miles the road will end and you can go right (signage i...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Sunset Falls

    Note: Please be careful when exploring the falls. We recommend not walking on the surfaces directly next to the falls as the water is moving very quickly and can pick you up quickly. The falls are home to several very sad losses.  Sunset Falls is the largest and the final of the three major wate...
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  • Skykomish, Washington

    Photograph the Foss River Trestle

    Traveling east from Seattle on Highway 2, take a right hand turn onto Foss River Road (Road 68) just after the township of Skykomish. The pavement ends in 1.1 miles, beyond that be cautious of potholes. Continue along this road for a further 1.3 miles, at which point you will pass under a railroa...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Heybrook Lookout

    2.47 mi / 984 ft gain
    To the trailhead, drive east on highway 2 from Everett. Just past milepost 37 you will see a gravel parking area on the left side of the highway. Wander through a mossy forest that reminds me of Olympic National Park and traverse up 1.3 miles of switch backs to ascend heybrook lookout! Dogs ar...
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  • Sultan, Washington

    Heybrook Ridge

    3.71 mi / 856 ft gain
    Although short, this new trail is a great warm-up to the many other trails this area has to offer. Starting immediately across the North Fork Skyhomish River at the new trailhead, you will make your way up this moderately steep hike to the Heybrook Ridge. once you reach the top of the trail, you ...
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  • Edmonds, Washington

    Hike to Meadowdale Beach

    If you plan to hike to this beach on the weekend, arrive early because the parking lot fills up fast. From the trailhead, hike down through an old forest along a stream to reach Meadowdale Beach Park. Take in the sounds of birds, wildlife, and the stream adjacent to the trail. At one mile you wil...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Barclay Lake

    4.4 mi / 607 ft gain
    With less than 500 feet of total elevation and 4.4 miles of round trip hiking, the Barclay Lake trail is a perfect hike for beginners, families, or those looking for a quick morning or afternoon jaunt. Yet dont let the simplicity of the hike fool you. The end result of the hike is nothing short o...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Baring Mountain

    4.62 mi / 3556 ft gain
    Don't let the low mileage trick you – this is not an easy climb. Give yourself plenty of time to summit this beast of a mountain. Starting at the Barclay Lake Trailhead, be careful not to jump onto the Barclay Lake Trail. The path to Baring Mountain is hidden down a path leading from the bathroo...
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  • Gold Bar, Washington

    Eagle Lake via Barclay Lake Trailhead

    8.5 mi / 2000 ft gain
    Start off on the same trail as Barclay Lake. After 2.25 miles, you will arrive at Barclay Lake. This lake can be quite busy in the summer months as it is relatively easy to access, and you may see many people camping there with their kids. Continue around the lake until you almost reach the east...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Hike Cathedral Rock and Mount Daniel

    11.5 mi / 2300 ft gain
    Hike easy switchbacks for almost 2 miles until the trail junction at elevation 4400 feet, then veer right onto trail #1345 toward Squaw Lake and Cathedral Rock. Pass by Squaw Lake on your left (a great place to take a short swim on a hot day) and stay on the trail until you reach another junction...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Tuck and Robin Lakes

    13.94 mi / 4199 ft gain
    Robin Lakes have been coined "The Little Enchantments", and once you visit, you'll realize the nickname is strikingly accurate. But while the hike up is no Aasgard Pass, it's far from a walk in the park. When you leave the car at the end of the pothole-ridden Salmon La Sac forest service road, y...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Marmot and Jade Lakes via Deception Pass Trail

    20.29 mi / 4370 ft gain
    The road in is passable with basically any vehicle, though there are some potholes to be avoided. Start at the Deception Pass Trailhead near the parking lot. There is a quick and easy 4.5 miles as you pass Hyas Lake, then you start climbing up to the trail junction for Tuck and Robin Lakes and th...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Backpack to Circle Lake, Alpine Lakes Wilderness

    16 mi / 2800 ft gain
    Start at the Cathedral Rock Trailhead and start to head up the long switchbacks. After running into the Trail Creek trail, keep right heading towards Cathedral Rock and Squaw Lake. There are a couple nice spots around Squaw Lake, about 2.5 miles in, to stop and have a snack. Now head around the l...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Climb Mt. Daniel via the Southeast Ridge

    16 mi / 6000 ft gain
    Far from the iconic skyline of Seattle, on King County's Eastern boundary, is a lesser known natural skyscraper named Mt. Daniel. At 7960 feet plus, Mt. Daniel's true summit effortlessly juts into the sky as King County's tallest point.From Roslyn, head North for roughly 15 miles on Salmon La Sac...
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