Sentinel Butte, North Dakota

Top Spots in and near Sentinel Butte

  • Sentinel Butte, North Dakota

    Petrified Forest Loop

    10.39 mi / 679 ft gain
    Make sure you swing by the Visitor's Center to get a map and a paper copy of directions to the trailhead as it goes through private property.The trail starts at the parking lot and heads into a wilderness area. After a few hundred feet you will pass through a gate. Make sure to sign the booklet i...
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  • Medora, North Dakota

    Camp at Cottonwood Campground in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

    Nestled right along the Little Missouri River, Cottonwood Campground offers 76 camp sites (including pull-through, back-in, and walk-in sites).Walk-in sites sit right along the river where buffalo and wild horses are frequently spotted at dusk and dawn. Each site includes a picnic table and fire ...
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  • Medora, North Dakota

    Drive the Scenic Loop at Theodore Roosevelt National Park

    Imagine you have been driving for hours through North Dakota. The landscape is uncompromisingly flat and there isn't so much as a tree to obscure the horizon in any direction. Then, with no warning, the topography transforms. The prairie around you crumbles, dropping down into a series of immense...
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  • Belfield, North Dakota

    Hike up Buck Hill, Theodore Roosevelt NP

    0.4 mi / 56 ft gain
    Buck Hill is a popular stop on Theodore Roosevelt National Park's Scenic Loop Road. The official trail is only a half mile round trip, but the landscape is open and it is worth spending more time in the Buck Hill area wandering around the various hills and lookouts, patching together a 360 degree...
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  • Bowman, North Dakota

    Hike to White Butte

    4 mi / 400 ft gain
    Standing at only 3,506 feet on a good day, White Butte in Amidon, North Dakota, isn't going to be the greatest peak you ever conquer, but it will definitely be a memorable one. Located in the Southwest corner of the Badlands of North Dakota, White Butte is simply the highest grassy hill in the pl...
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Camping and Lodging in Sentinel Butte

Cottonwood Campground
Medora, North Dakota

Cottonwood Campground

Roundup Group Horse Camp
Medora, North Dakota

Roundup Group Horse Camp