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Caratunk, Maine

Looking for the best chillin in Caratunk? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Caratunk. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Chillin Spots in and near Caratunk

  • Bingham, Maine

    Houston Brook Falls

    0.37 mi / 79 ft gain
    Houston Brook Falls is a 32-foot waterfall that flows into the Kennebec River. The hike usually takes about 15 mins roundtrip, but more time can be spent at the falls.   The Trail From the parking lot there is a small trail to the left. The trail is unmarked, but visible and easy enough to foll...
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  • New Portland, Maine

    Avery Peak and West Bigelow

    8.96 mi / 3291 ft gain
    Begin on East Flagstaff Rd and follow the Safford Brook Trail until you reach the junction with the Appalachian Trail. Turning left or north bound will bring you, shortly to the side trail for the Safford Brook Campsite; turning right (or southbound) on the A.T. will begin the climb to Avery Peak...
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  • Guilford, Maine

    Hike Borestone Mountain

    3.6 mi / 2000 ft gain
    Important notes about this hike: REQUIRES A FEE: $6 per adult, $3 per student - they don't collect the fee until you get to the visitor center about a mile in, so don't get caught like I did without cash!Does NOT allow dogs.  Drive towards the Audubon Sanctuary and come to a parking lot just outs...
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  • Brownville, Maine

    Hike the Grand Canyon of Maine (Gulf Hagas)

    8.6 mi / 1000 ft gain
    Find the trailhead by turning left at the Brownville junction and then turning left onto Katahdin Ironworks Rd. This is a well maintained dirt road (had no trouble getting down it with a Corolla). There is a checkpoint where you need to pay a day use fee. When I went summer 2018 it was $9 per per...
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  • Weld, Maine

    Hike Tumbledown Mountain

    5.6 mi / 2300 ft gain
    To keep the hike as short as possible, the hike can be an out and back at 5.6 miles, but if you wanted to make it a loop that is possible and adds only an additional 2 miles or so. We took the Brook Trail up to the summit (which passes by the alpine lake) and then followed it back down. To hike t...
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  • Byron, Maine

    Swim in Coos Canyon

    Coos Canyon is right off of route 17 in Byron, ME. It's almost impossible to miss but if you're worried about it you can type "coos canyon" or "coos canyon rock and gift" into google maps and it will take you right there. There is a gravel parking lot to the right side of the road (heading north)...
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