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Auburn, Maine

Looking for the best camping in Auburn? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Auburn. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Camping Spots in and near Auburn

  • Conway, New Hampshire

    Drive the Kancamagus Highway

    34.5 mi
    The Kancamagus Highway is designated an American Scenic Byway. It cuts through the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The highest point along the drive is 3000 feet. It is known as one of the best fall viewing areas in the country. If your interested there is also several campgrounds along thi...
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  • Weld, Maine

    Hike Tumbledown Mountain

    5.6 mi / 2300 ft gain
    To keep the hike as short as possible, the hike can be an out and back at 5.6 miles, but if you wanted to make it a loop that is possible and adds only an additional 2 miles or so. We took the Brook Trail up to the summit (which passes by the alpine lake) and then followed it back down. To hike t...
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