Backpack the Hurricane Creek Trail

Joseph, Oregon

based on 1 reviews



24 miles

Elevation Gain

3200 ft

Route Type



Added by Roark Nelson

Starting from the Hurricane Creek Trailhead, this hike weaves through beautiful forest and open meadows with mountains rising in the distance.

This very gradual, easy trail that ends at the Lakes Basin, which is comprised of many lakes such as Mirror Lake, Sunshine Lake, and Moccasin Lake. These lakes can also be accessed by the Two Pan Trailhead, which is a shorter, but steeper hike.

There is also a great side hike about a quarter of a mile in to Falls Creek, a 5-10 minute easy gradual hike to the waterfall from the main trail. The side trail is well marked with a sign posted to a tree on the right, where the trail splits, labeled "Falls Creek". The water provides a welcome refreshment when hiking during a hot summer day, and if you are brave enough, a small pool sits just underneath the falls for those looking to get in.

Another interesting but longer hike is to Slick Rock Gorge, which is the last photo in the gallery for this adventure. This is about a 3 mile hike with 750 feet of elevation gain. This little gorge is beautiful to watch as the trail sits right above it, allowing a perfect view up the small gorge and the small waterfalls inside it.

The Hurricane Creek Trail is a very accessible easy hike for those interested in sweeping panoramic views and can provide both day hikes and backpacking trips alike.

For additional information, check out the USDA website.

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Backpack the Hurricane Creek Trail Reviews

It's beauty rivals Yosemite. I lived in the town of Joseph for 10 years and hiked it regularly. I think it's worth mentioning that while hunting morals mushrooms in this area I had an encounter with something that I had never seen. I am an avid hunter and know all of the creatures that are indigenous to the area very well and worked as and assistant to a hunting guide that lived in the area. Be aware that there are Bigfoot that live in this area. If you don't believe me go spend a week hiking the area and come back and tell me what you think. Be aware be safe.

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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