Hike Crane Mountain

Johnsburg, New York

based on 2 reviews



4.6 miles

Elevation Gain

1100 ft

Route Type



Added by The Outbound Collective

Crane Mountain has something for everyone: ladders to climb, rocks to scramble, a beautiful summit, and a lake.

At the trail register stay to your right at the fork in the trail. The left trail will be where you return. At approximately 0.5 miles you will reach an open ledge area, as you look up a rock cairn will mark where you pick up the trail. At 0.8 miles you will reach the first of two ladders to aid you in climbing. The next much longer ladder is reached at 1.2 miles. At 1.4 miles you will reach the summit which has several open cliff ledges.

You will then continue along the peak trailing in and out of the trees to various lookouts. Upon descending you will head to Crane Mountain Pond. At approximately 2.3 miles will be your first views of the pond.

Relax, have lunch and then continue on trail passing the trail register back to your vehicle.

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Swimming Hole

Hike Crane Mountain Reviews

The mountain can be hiked as an out-and-back or as a loop that takes you on a more gradual trail by Crane Mountain Pond. It's definitely got it a fair share of steep sections and large rocks on the trail to scramble.

Nice day hike, not too tough. Kids 8+ shouldn't have too much trouble!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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