Hike the Lafayette-Lincoln Loop

Thornton, New Hampshire

based on 3 reviews



5.2 miles

Route Type



Added by The Outbound Collective

This is a great moderate hike that takes you into the heights of the Sandwich Range and offers incredible views of the dramatic landscape.

Begin at the Mt. Tecumseh trailhead. You will hike for 1.2 miles before your first vista. Continue from there another mile until you arrive at the junction with the Sosman Trail. Stay right and continue another 0.3 miles to reach the summit of Mt. Tecumseh. At just over 4,000' this peak offers incredible views of the Sandwich Mountain range. When you've had your fill of splendid wilderness experienced from the height of Mt. Tecumseh, retrace your steps back down the mountain.

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Hike the Lafayette-Lincoln Loop Reviews

Easily an all day adventure. Hiked up Lafayette and down the falling waters trail. This trail follows the falls for a majority of the way, and has many great swimming spots, perfect to hang out at after a morning of hiking.

This is not the Lincoln-Lafayette loop, I did however write a post about this loop if anyone wants information on that trail :) https://www.theoutbound.com/new-hampshire/hiking/113698

The title of this adventure is for the Lafayette-Lincoln loop (which is via Falling Waters Trail, Franconia RidgeTrail, Greenleaf Trail, Old Bridle Path.. When linked with Haystack) but the info listed is actually for Mt Tecumseh.

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