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Kaytie Widener

Lots to see on this out-and-back trail. Seems to be a very touristy spot so expect a lot of people. To get to some of the different view points, there is definitely a noticeable moderate elevation gain that can get a little challenging at a few places. Overall, still a good trail with a few different perspectives of the Linville Falls area.

Love a good loop. The majority of this loop is under shaded forest canopy and is so nice. It’s a self-guided loop so there are signs along the way for the local plant life. About midway along the loop is where you come to the flat rock area. Lots of little places to take a break with great views of the surrounding area.

Very short walk. Great view of mountains. Nice and airy. Not a lot of places to go for this overlook, so it can get a bit crowded.

The lake was a little crowded with all of the people kayaking/paddle boarding and fishing along the shore, but the loop trail itself wasn’t bad. Mostly shaded with pops of open canopy. Much of the trail lines the lake so you have a great relaxing view. Several spots to stop off and take a breath or a seat. We took our dog and had a great day!