Gabriella Lorusso

Resource Biology/Biodiversity major from Louisiana. Animal and adventure lover. Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler.

Red bluff is absolutely breathtaking! Looking down into the canyon is even more stunning each time you look down into it. It doesn’t get old. The train car wreck was also neat.

This was a really nice hike going towards the creek, but when you're so excited about exploring someplace new you forget you have to go back. Going in was all peachy keen cause that meant going down hill. The going back part meant going up hills. Lots and lots of hills. I'm from New Orleans, y'all. We have flat and flater. It's so flat we built a hill (Monkey Hill in Audubon Zoo) so kids of New Orleans could see what a hill looks like. I almost died trying to make it up these hills. I started praying for the strength for my short legs to make it, and I guess the good Lord likes me and I made it out. Other than that, it was a really nice hike!