Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador

Top Stories in and near Baños de Agua Santa

  • Ecuador

    All About Ecuador

    Normally I stick to photography and my video clips languish on a forgotten hard drive somewhere. I finally got inspired to put something together and whipped up this short video. We had an awesome time in Ecuador and I hope that shines through. Anyways, I decided to answer some of the common ques...
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  • Ecuador

    Everest Isn't the Highest Point on Earth

    Mount Everest. The very name conjures up images of climbers struggling to reach the vaunted peak, enduring the most extreme of conditions to reach the tallest mountain in the world. Except it isn’t, according to science. Kind of.  That honor goes to the stratovolcano Chimborazo, in central Ecuado...
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  • Cotopaxi National Park, Ecuador

    On the Edge of Cotopaxi at Tambopaxi Eco-lodge

    Halfway through a volunteer trip to Ecuador, we decided to get away for the weekend. We booked two nights at Tambopaxi, an eco-lodge within Cotopaxi National Park. Situated at over 12,000 feet Tambopaxi offers an unparalleled way to experience the national park. With incredible views of Cotopaxi ...
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