Christopher Bobel

I just did this hike again yesterday (1/16/16) and the water is rushing because of the recent rain - it's quite spectacular!! If raining, I would definitely recommend a water proof backup and actual hiking boots that are rain proof. I did the hike in running shoes and it was quite slippery and my feet were very cold and wet by the end. My backpack was soaked through and my change of dry clothes were dry no longer. Also, if coming from San Francisco, I would leave no later than 8am so parking is easy

I prefer a mix of tree coverage and open sky on my hikes, so I don't put this trail in my top 10.... but a pleasant walk and definitely one for all types (no need to be a hiking expert). Great to be "out on the water" and super cool finish to see bay and ocean on both sides at the end!

My last review said not great for trail running - awesome for hiking!

Take the trip back slowly and be sure footed. No need to rush, especially with how beatiful it is. Would not recommend for trail running

Go slow on the rocks and don't rush people who are less than comfortable walking down on the rocks. Helps to have hands free as well