Surf Rincon Point

Rincon Point, California

based on 1 reviews


Added by Lucas Suarez

Rincon might just be the best wave in California.

A cobblestone rocks cover a crescent shaped bay and a creek mouth spreads sand perfectly along the bay after a winter rain. Not to mention the indicator that refracts waves into the inside cove. It's no wonder famous surfers, such as Kelly Slater, Bobby Martinez, Tom Curren, Connor and Parker Coffin frequent Rincon Beach. This break rests on the county line of Ventura and Santa Barbara County.

There are two parking lots once you turn off the highway, the closer one to the path being the one that fills up the quickest, especially if there is swell. From either parking lot you walk south, parallel to the freeway, and you will see a well walked path that leads you to the south end of the bay. Take your time to study how the swell is breaking and where you want to paddle out. Most people walk back north along the beach and paddle out in front of the creek mouth and drift south (or catch a wave) all the way to where the path from the parking lot emptied to the beach. You then either get out and walk back to the river mouth and start all over again OR paddle back out.

When there is swell, and when there isn't swell, there are usually a lot of people out at Rincon riding all sorts of equipment. Remember to respect the locals, smile in the line-up, say hi to people and wait your turn to catch waves. Once you do, you'll have probably one of the best, and longest, waves of your life.

Pro tip: the homes that line the shore of Rincon are in a private community. If you happen to know someone (or make friends with someone) you can drive past the gates and park right along the waters edge. 

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Surf Rincon Point Reviews

As good as it gets and is a regional classic! Watch the crowds though and be ready to share the waves. Right hand point break. Multiple sections. Just ask Tom Curren!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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