Alyssa San Agustin

Not going to lie...this is a pretty difficult hike! You will sweat, maybe fall, & will definitely start to crave potato chips. Go on a weekday because you won't want to wait in a 45-minute line just to get up on the potato chip rock.

This pier is seriously my go to spot for photographs! whether it's to shoot different products or people. It's also the PERFECT spot to hang your hammock!! The most relaxing and amazing experience of my life just hangin' in my hammock under this pier.

Definitely a moderate hike! Best to go really early to avoid the heat and pounding sun. The view at the top is amazing!!

A must-see if you're ever in Arizona. Such a beautiful picturesque spot! You don't even need to be a pro photographer or own a DSLR to get amazing photos.

There's many spots that offer this view but this is the most secluded that I've ever been to! Great secret spot, especially for photographers.

This article is one of the best places I have ever found because of The Outbound!! This campsite was absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. More than words or pictures could ever express. I'm so glad that I came across this on The Outbound because it greatly influenced the quality of this trip. I can't wait to make another trip back up here because it's seriously the most insane view I've ever seen in my life.