Aellon Krider

Easy to follow trail markers and signs and there are paper maps available outside of the visitor center. I saw lots of wildlife when I went in June: hogs, lizards, snakes, turtles, and birds. Highly recommend an evening hike when there's less traffic.

Bring your binoculars for this trip! I went with Chamberlain Canoe rental last weekend for a 2-day 1-night trip. We paddled for 26 beautiful miles and saw 2 bald eagles along the way. There were plenty of available primitive campsites to choose from. I definitely want to do this trip again in the spring when the current is stronger.

This is an easy winter day hike with a few attractions for photo opportunities. Don't tell your hiking partner(s) about the old hotel - it's a fun surprise!

The ice caves are still open in December but the park closes at 5pm in the winter. We spent about 4 hours including a brief picnic at the falls. It is possible to add a couple miles to this hike on the way back by turning right on Loop Road and following it around Lake Maratanza to return to the parking lot. This hike has plenty of attractions!