

4.5 miles

Route Type



Added by Kaiser Cunningham

Take in 360-degree view of Granite Lake, Crystal Lake, and Curt Gowdy State Park.

Curt Gowdy State Park, one of the few southeast Wyoming hot spots, has a couple of hidden gems. One of the best is the “Chameleon,” ruler of Curt Gowdy State Park.

To reach the Chameleon, head out on Crow Creek Trail, then loop back on Mo’ Rocka Trail. The trailhead is near the entrance of Curt Gowdy State Park – park at the dirt lot on your righthand side, just before the inlet of the reservoir. Walk along the road, crossing the water, and you will find the trailhead on your right.

The trail begins along the south shore of the reservoir inlet, following Middle Crow Creek upstream. There is more water in springtime, but even during the fall the creek is lovely and courses happily through a narrow, boulder-lined valley. The trail keeps above the creek, largely keeping in the shade of the pines. Around 1.5 miles along the trail, the trail will intersect with Mo' Rocka Trail, which will take you to the Chameleon.

The Chameleon is at the top of Mo’ Rocka Trail, and is truly a place of beauty. To see how the Chameleon got its name, take Pinball Trail to the north. As you climb out of Crow Creek, look back and you will see the rock formation's lizard head.

Check out this adventure for the hike to Hidden Falls.

Click here for a trail map of the park. 

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Wyoming’s wide-open spaces make it easy to get off the grid and on a trail, through a park, into a forest, up a mountain or down a river. During your journey through Wyoming’s Black to Yellow Region, discover geologic marvels, dense evergreen forests and sprawling prairielands.

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