How to Stay Inspired During the Weekday Grind

Find time to get outside. "I'm just too busy" isn't a good enough excuse.

By: Will Hughes + Save to a List

We all know the feeling. The weekend has come to an end, Monday morning is looming and quittingtime on Friday seems like a lifetime away. After a few nights spent out underthe stars, returning to the office is often a disheartening experience. It canbe easy to get swept up in our daily routines and loose track of theadventurous spirit that encourages us to keep exploring. Although the grind ofthe work week can be draining, it is possible to stay inspired and keep yourspirits up. Here are a few ways I try to keep myself centered:

1. Bring the Outside In

Oneof the biggest downers for a nature-loving business person can be the starkcontrast between the corporate world and the great outdoors. Somehow cubiclesand fluorescent lighting just don't quite stir the soul like a sunrise over themountains. Sprucing up your work space with natural elements is a good way toimprove your mood every time you walk into work. Be it small plants, warmlighting, or wooden furniture, simple reminders that nature is still out therecan help you make that push to five o'clock. 

2. Exercise Creativity

Evenif you're employed in a creative line of work, it can still be extremelyrefreshing to let your mind run wild every now and then. Spending time outdoorsis an incredibly inspiring process, and I think we do ourselves a disservicewhen we don't provide an outlet for these experiences. Carving out a bit oftime to write, draw or create something is a wonderful way to keep your brainengaged, active, and in tune with what nature has been teaching you.

Picnic at Banjo Hill | Photo: Nick Tort

3. Keep Your Eyes Open

Whilesorting through a seemingly endless number of deadlines, meetings, andprojects, it's easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day routines that weestablish for ourselves. Schedules are so tight that it becomes impossible toeven consider having time to slip away outdoors. Something that helps the weekgo by is keeping my eyes open for any opportunity to mix things up. Why don't Itake my lunch to the park down the street? Can I take a walk outside and make afew of these calls? How about we have our meeting outside today since theweather is so nice? Breaking up the rigidity of the daily routines is one ofthe best ways to fight the mid-week burnout.

4. Heed the Call

Aswe go about the weekly nine-to-five, it's natural for our minds to drift outinto the woods, mountains, or wherever we love to explore. Daydreams of hiking,or inspiration for a brand new trip can be fairly common occurrences foroutdoor-minded folk. While not all of these grand plans are always possible,sometimes we are a little too eager to let obstacles get in the way of makingthings happen. I often find myself dismissing an idea before I even give it achance, for no real reason other than, "I'm just too busy." If we letsomething this small prevent us from chasing those sunsets, when will we everget out there? Sometimes the most important way to keep yourself inspired is tojust say yes. Don’t continuously put off that adventure you've been dreaming offor months, commit to it. Acknowledge the yearning to explore, and act on it.Heed the call. 

Cover photo: Nick Tort

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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