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Gig Harbor, Washington

Looking for the best backpacking in Gig Harbor? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Gig Harbor. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Backpacking Spots in and near Gig Harbor

  • Quinault, Washington

    Backpack to Enchanted Valley Chateau

    31.59 mi / 5052 ft gain
    This backpacking trip can easily be done in 2 days, but some people prefer to stretch it out to 3. Luckily there are several different spots to stop and camp, so you can split up the distance however you are the most comfortable. The elevation over the course of the trail is minimal, which means ...
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  • North Bend, Washington

    Talapus & Olallie Lakes

    5.71 mi / 1266 ft gain
    With a moderate grade on a wide trail, the hike to Talapus Lake is the perfect introduction to the outdoors for hikers and beginning backpackers. Upon arrival at Talapus, break out lunch or pitch camp. Either way, you can cool off in the large lake. If you feel like pressing on, Ollalie Lake is j...
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