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Woodruff, Utah

Looking for the best hiking in Woodruff? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Woodruff. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Woodruff

  • Park City, Utah

    Ride the RTS Trail

    2.6 mi / 366 ft gain
    The RTS trail at Utah's Olympic Park (ski jumping, bobsled, skeleton, and luge), is a fantastic beginner-to-intermediate trail. Since it's a short loop at only 2.6 miles and 366 feet of elevation gain, it's perfect for kids and beginners. Most of the sections are smooth dirt that winds through as...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Trail Run or Hike Lambs Canyon

    4 mi / 1531 ft gain
    Take I-80 East through Parley's Canyon and get off at the Lambs Canyon Exit. Stay right off the exit and start heading up the canyon. You will follow the road 1.5 miles. You will see the trail head on the right side of the road with a small area to park on the left next to the bathrooms.The trail...
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