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Evanston, Utah

Looking for the best hiking in Evanston? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Evanston. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Evanston

  • Alta, Utah

    Hike Mt. Superior and Monte Cristo

    6.25 mi / 2500 ft gain
    Mt. Superior, and its close neighbor, Monte Cristo, are two of the most iconic peaks in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Looming over Alta and Snowbird Ski resorts from the north side of the canyon, these two peaks dominate the Little Cottonwood skyline. Mt. Superior tops out at 11,132 feet, and Monte C...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Hike and Scramble Mount Superior

    5 mi
    This is an intermediate to advanced hike. Scrambling up the ridge is more difficult but can be done by anyone with patience and a few maneuvering skills. It is best climbed in the summer months when the ridge is free of snow. However, it makes for a good winter climb for more technical experience...
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