Bluff City, Tennessee

Top Spots in and near Bluff City

  • Marion, Virginia

    Hike Molly's Knob

    3.4 mi / 1100 ft gain
    The parking lot is located on the east side of the lake, just before the group lodge on Lake Drive. The Molly’s Knob trail begins just uphill on the right and is marked by white blazes. You can also take an alternate route and follow the Lake Loop Trail (located to the left of the parking area)...
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  • Morganton, North Carolina

    Camp on Shortoff Mountain in the Linville Gorge

    The Linville Gorge Wilderness Area, also known as the Grand Canyon of the East, is one of the wildest, most rugged gorges in the eastern United States. It's also an outdoor paradise for hikers and backpackers. Camping here is always a treat and you are sure to enjoy your time spent in the gorge.D...
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