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Gladstone, Oregon

Looking for the best running in Gladstone? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Gladstone. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Running Spots in and near Gladstone

  • Mount Hood, Oregon

    Cooper Spur

    6.87 mi / 3097 ft gain
    Cooper Spur is located on the north east side of Mount Hood. This is the hike to do if you want to get up close and personal with the mountain. To get there you have to drive around 10 miles up a bumpy dirt road, once off the main road. Low-clearance vehicles can make it but high clearance vehic...
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  • Stevenson, Washington

    Wind Mountain

    2.5 mi / 1037 ft gain
    Once you reach the parking lot, walk down the hill and find the trail head, which is easily seen as it is marked. Begin your trek up the trail. The way up is pretty much all uphill, and is a great workout for the legs. You will walk through forests and over many rocks on the way up. As soon as y...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Mount Defiance

    12.55 mi / 5167 ft gain
    This hike starts at the Starvation Creek Rest Area. After parking, head west back along the shoulder of the freeway, where you’ll see a wooden sign stating “Mt. Defiance Trail.” Continue heading west along the abandoned Columbia River Highway. Keep going west as you pass the junction with the Sta...
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