Fountain, Colorado

Top Spots in and near Fountain

  • Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Garden of the Gods Loop

    4.28 mi / 581 ft gain
    If you are new to the area a stop by the visitor center can help to get a map of the trails and roads in the area as well as obtain a climbing permit (one is needed to climb and is free). Once you have entered the area there are multiple trails and pullouts that you can explore. Many of the trai...
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  • Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Hike the Upper Loop Trail

    0.75 mi / 72 ft gain
    This short spur trail is right off Perkins Central Garden Trail. Most people walk by it because the walkway changes from paved to dirt, but it is definitely a must-see if you're exploring the park. It climbs just a short amount before reaching the rocks you can climb on. Make sure you take a mome...
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  • Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Perkins Central Garden Trail

    1.13 mi / 138 ft gain
    Garden of the Gods has dozens of hiking trails that cover miles through the park itself. The Perkins Central Garden Trail takes you through the heart of the rock formations and really gives you perspective on the size of these red rocks. This trail also takes you past several areas where rock cl...
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  • Manitou Springs, Colorado

    Manitou Springs' Mineral Springs

    Manitou Springs is home to eight mineral springs all fairly close to the main shopping strip of Manitou. The springs were originally utilized by the Native Americans. In the 19th century, they were utilized by visitors from all over the world due to their supposed health benefits. They all taste ...
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  • Manitou Springs, Colorado

    Hike Red Mountain

    2 mi / 750 ft gain
    The hike can be started from where the Intemann trail meets Ruxton Ave close to Iron Spring. For parking, you can park at one of the few pay-for parking along the street or park in town and take the bus up to the incline. The hike starts up what seems to be a driveway until you reach a small gate...
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  • Cascade, Colorado

    Manitou Incline

    3.8 mi / 1949 ft gain
    If you're ready for a fitness challenge like no other, look no further than the Manitou Incline. The trail climbs the remnants of an old cog railway bed, gaining 2000 feet of elevation in less than a mile. Busy all year round, the popular trail is used by everyone from Army Rangers and Olympic ho...
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  • Cascade, Colorado

    Hike Barr Trail to Pikes Peak Summit

    12 mi / 7400 ft gain
    Barr Trail is a 12 mile hike that travels the east face of Pikes Peak, from Manitou Springs (6700’) at the base, to the summit (14,115’). Because there are so many factors that can influence anyone’s experience of the trail (weather, fitness level, time of day, preparedness, etc.), and because ma...
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  • Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Hike Pulpit Rock

    2.2 mi / 505 ft gain
    Heading South on N. Nevada Blvd. you will pass a Harley Davidson dealership on your left, about a mile after that there is a large parking lot for Pulpit Rock Park. Once you park, there is a clearly marked trailhead that will get you on your way! There are various trails you can take to get the t...
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  • Manitou Springs, Colorado

    Walk to Rainbow Falls

    0.5 mi
    This waterfall was designated a historic site in 2016 due to its rich history dating back to the Native Americans and more recently the locals of Manitou Springs.  The bridge itself that crosses over the falls was created in the early 20th century and was an architectural marvel during the time. ...
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  • Teller County, Colorado

    Backpack to the Abandoned Skagway Power Plant and Ghost Town

    10 mi / 1000 ft gain
    Construction of the Skagway Plant began in 1899 and was complete in 1901. In 1965, 15 days of rain brought floods washing out a lot of the pipeline and other infrastructure. Fixing the power plant didn’t make sense and funds weren’t in place. The land was reverted to the government. The hike b...
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  • Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Hike to Blodgett Peak

    4.5 mi / 2325 ft gain
    Getting There Google Maps + "Blodgett Peak Open Space"= Easy Peasy. The parking lot only accommodates 11 cars with a one of those reserved for handicap.  A port-a-potty is the only facility available at the trail head, so plan accordingly. The Hike Starting out at about 7,000 feet the first mile ...
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  • Cripple Creek, Colorado

    Drive Gold Camp Road

    5 mi
    Gold Camp Road is a road that begins near Bear Creek Regional park. As you drive up the winding road, the road will turn to dirt. Continue driving down the dirt road, turn the corner and BAM, you're hit with some mountain views that will take your breath away. As you continue to drive Gold camp r...
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  • El Paso County, Colorado

    Summit Pikes Peak via the Devils Playground Trail

    5.5 mi / 1348 ft gain
    This portion of a trek to the Pikes Peak begins about 13,000 feet.  From the parking lot walk across the road back to the Northeast side and look for the hikers trail that begins by paralleling the road. By hiking this path you will have the time to enjoy the amazing views of the mountain range a...
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  • El Paso County, Colorado

    Hike to the top of Castle Rock

    2 mi / 800 ft gain
    The Basics: If you've never been to Green Mountain Falls, you're missing out! This tiny mountain hamlet, just off Hwy 24 before Woodland Park, hosts a vibrant collection of local shops and eateries around its community lake. It is also home to many lesser-known hiking trails, including the H.B. W...
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  • Green Mountain Falls, Colorado

    Hike Crystal Falls Trail to Crystal Creek Reservoir

    5.25 mi / 1750 ft gain
    The Basics: The little town of Green Mountain Falls often gets overlooked as motorists speed up Highway 24 to Woodland Park and beyond. However, big hiking opportunities abound here. The town probably has as many miles of hiking trails as it has miles of paved roads! Being on the base of Pikes Pe...
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  • Woodland Park, Colorado

    Ski Pikes Peak

    Pikes Peak Toll Road can grant you access to a ton of super accessible backcountry skiing if you have the equipment and knowledge.  From roughly Glen Cove up to the summit of the mountain you can access terrain varying from steep chutes off the summit to easy glades in an abandoned ski resort.  T...
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