Ght Manaslu & Annapurna


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The combination of the Manaslu and Annapurna Circuits make this section of the Great Himalaya Trail a must do for first time trekkers to Nepal and Himalayan enthusiasts alike


Arrive Kathmandu

You will be met by a representative of World Expeditions and transferred to the Radisson hotel. Remainder of the afternoon at leisure. A pre-trek briefing will be given around 4.30-5pm where arrangements will be made for the distribution of your kit bag, sleeping bag and down/fibrefill jacket. This evening we will head out for dinner, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with your fellow group members.Overnight: Radisson Hotel

Free day in Kathmandu

Today you have a full day to explore Kathmandu’s bustling streets and significant landmarks. You may wish to start by exploring the city’s two most important World Heritage Listed spiritual sites: Pashupatinath, Nepal’s most sacred Hindu temple and an important cremation site; and Boudhanath, the largest Buddhist stupa in Nepal and the most sacred Tibetan Buddhist shrine outside of Tibet. Alternatively you could wander through the markets and shops of the busy Thamel precinct or explore some more of the city’s significant sites such as Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple) or the World Heritage Listed plazas of Patan, Bhaktapur or Durbar Square.

Drive to Arughat Bazaar (500m), approx. 7 hrs.

We travel west from Kathmandu towards Pokhara, following the winding road over the valley rim and down alongside the Trisuli River. This is a busy road and there is much to see. We are also reminded of our journey's aim; to trek among the mighty Himalaya, with the Annapurna, Ganesh and of course Manaslu ranges intermittently in view. We turn off the main road shortly after Mugling and follow the Buri Gandaki northwards to Arughat Bazaar, and our first night's camp.

Trek to Soti Khola (730m), walk approx. 5hrs.

An easy walk today along the banks of the Buri Gandakhi River. We enjoy clear views of the Ganesh and Shringi Himal as we pass through numerous Gurung villages. Our campsite for the night is 30 minutes beyond the village in a picturesque setting overlooking waterfalls.

To Machha Khola (930m), walk approx. 5 hrs.

Today's walk follows a trail of constant ups and downs through forest as we continue to head upstream along the Buri Gandakhi. We descend to the wide, sandy riverbed for lunch then continue along a winding mountain path overlooking the river. The forest then gives way to farmland as the valley again opens up and we stop to make our camp.

To Jagat (1340m), walk approx. 5.5hrs.

The Buri Gandakhi gorge is narrow with sheer cliffs on either side and the morning's trail begins by following a cliff path along the east bank before passing hot springs at Tatopani and then crossing the Dodan Khola. As we begin to climb, the Buri Gandakhi valley undergoes dramatic change, widening considerably and with white sandy beaches at the riverside. The trail then heads up a steep ridge before a long descent to the river. We enjoy a spectacular campsite tonight just before the village of Jagat.

To Philim (1570m), walk approx. 4hrs.

A day of relatively easy ups and downs as we follow the river upstream. We cross a number of tributaries before arriving at our camp beside the river at Philim.

To Deng (1860m), walk approx. 5hrs.

Continuing on, we occasionally have to trek high above the river to skirt around narrow gorges that prohibit a path. The trail takes us through pine forest scattered with rhododendron. We make our way to the lower trail which again follows the Buri Gandakhi below the Gurung village of Ngak and camp an hour's walk past Deng.

To Namrung (2630m), walk approx. 5hrs.

We climb initially and then descend to cross a suspension bridge to the opposite bank. There are more riverside undulations and mani walls and chortens may be seen, signs of the distinctly Tibetan territory into which we are entering. The valley trail keeps to the northern bank below the village of Bih. Bih is known for its family of master stone carvers and along the trail today we see flat stones carved with intricate figures and stupas. Just past Bih we catch glimpses of the Shringi Himal and continue along the northern bank of the Buri Gandakhi until we reach the dominantly Tibetan village of Ghap for lunch. We then continue up through the forest densely vegetated with pine and birch to our jungle camp amongst the trees just before Namrung.

To Sama (3520m), walk approx. 6hrs.

We descend to cross the Damonan Khola then ascend again along a narrow path through the forest to Namrung with its check post then continue through the forest path past small Tibetan villages towards Ligaon. It is likely that we will encounter our first yak today and there is also a troop of monkeys who often come down to the river here to drink. We have uninterrupted views behind us of Ganesh III and IV and Baudha Peak and to our right the Kutang Himal stands high as the natural border between Nepal and Tibet. Before us our first real mountain panorama opens up with the peaks of Himalchuli (7893m), Peak 29 (7871m) and finally Manaslu (8163m).

To Samdo (3875m), walk approx. 3hrs & rest day

The trail takes us into wilder territory as we skirt around some glacial moraine then descend to the riverbed. Excellent views of the peak of Manaslu today. We soon reach the Tibetan Refugee village of Samdo, a wild place with a substantial village of some 200 permanent residents.

To Larkye Base Camp (4460m), walk approx. 3hrs.

After a couple of stream crossings, the Larkye Glacier appears on the opposite bank. We steadily climb, skirting around the Sarka Khola to camp at a small brick hut at the base of the Larkye La (pass).

Cross Larkye La (5140m) to Bimtang (3590m) 8-10hrs.

Soon after setting off today the unique shape of Larkye Peak becomes visible. The trail upwards is very gradual but at this altitude we take our time. It takes us approximately 5 hours to reach the pass, with the last section becoming quite steep but it is well worth the effort. The mountain vista to the west is incredible - Himlung Himal (7126m), Chap Himal, Gyaji Kang, Kang Guru (6981m) and Annapurna II (7937m). The descent from the pass is very steep across ice and scree as we follow the glacier. Progress is slow and careful but eventually we enter the valley of the Burdin Khola and continue to Bimtang and our camp for the night.

To Dharapani (1865m), walk approx. 7hrs.

The trail now basically follows the Marsyangdi downstream, before entering a pristine forest of pine and rhododendron which during the spring months puts on a brilliant display of color. This is another day to ensure you have plenty of film in your day packs as the views of the Himlung and Manaslu Himal are again spectacular.

To Chame (2675m), walk approx. 5hrs.

We have now crossed from the Manaslu region into the Annapurna region. The trail we follow today climbs over steep forest ridges and crosses the river before reaching Chame, the administrative headquarters of the Manang District. We pass many mani walls with Mayu Prayer wheels - typical of villages in this region. The trail continues through the forest and after rounding a bend, we will view Paungda Danda rock face, a tremendous curved slab of rock rising more than 1500m from the river. We also gain excellent views of Annapurna 2 to the south and Pisang Peak to the north east. After crossing a suspension bridge we climb over a ridge and descend to the valley floor.

To Pisang (2675m/4hrs)& Manang (3540m/5hrs).

Trekking along the traditional Annapurna Circuit we make our way to Pisang, a cluster of houses with the main village about 150m uphill. Day 18 sees us gradually ascend about 200m towards Manang's airstrip at Hongde. Our campsite is about 40 min walk from here. This is one of the most beautiful camping sites of the trip facing towards Annapurna 4 and 3.

To Yak Kharka (4050m), walk approx. 4hrs.

A superb day! After breakfast, we head off winding around contours gaining ever more impressive views of Annapurna 3 and Gangapurna before we reach the Josang Valley and the camp site at Yak Kharka.

To Thorong Pedi (4450m), walk approx. 4hrs.

A short but strenuous day as we continue up the valley and cross the Jorsang Khola on a small cantilevered bridge before edging our way around loose scree slopes to finally reach a couple of ramshackle tea-shops at the foot of the awesome Thorong La. An early night is advised as we have a big day tomorrow.

Cross Thorong La (5380m)to Muktinath, walk approx. 9hrs.

A long, arduous day rewarded with unsurpassed views. We set out from Phedi before daybreak in order to reach the top of the pass before late morning and avoid the notorious Thorong winds. The first section up the pass is steep and it's slow going. The trail winds around seemingly endless switchbacks with each "false top" leading on to another ridge. Finally we see the massive prayer-flag-covered cairn which marks the top. From here the views back over the entire Annapurna Range and across to Mustang and western Tibet are unbelievable. The cold up here soon has us heading down to Muktinath. It is a very weary group of trekkers who hit the sack that night. A day of Himalayan highs in every sense of the word!

To Kagbeni (2810m), walk approx. 4hrs & rest day.

Entering the main Kali Gandaki valley we take a short cut that avoids the road to Kagbeni. Kagbeni once marked the Nepal / Tibet border and it is the official entry to the Mustang region. Within the village is the old Gompa, and at the northern edge of the village lies the remains of the old fort. We will take a rest day here, and then proceed to Jomsom before splitting from those on the GHT Full Traverse who will proceed into the Dolpo region.

To Jomsom (2760m), walk approx. 5 hrs.

A long ridge descent leads gradually down to the Kali Gandaki River and the village of Jomsom. On arrival we will stay in a comfortable lodge close to the airport.

Flight Jomsom to Pokhara & Kathmandu(1330m).

We board the early morning flight to Pokhara savouring magnificent views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. On arrival at Pokhara airport we will have transport on standby to take you into the town. Here you can wander the markets and the lakeside for a couple of hours before returning to the airport for the onward flight to Kathmandu. On arrival transfer to the hotel.

Trip concludes Kathmandu.

After breakfast arrangements cease unless further ones have been made. Those people departing by aircraft will be transferred to the airport and assisted with check-in procedures.

Additional Information

This section of the GHT combines the Manaslu Circuit, with the region's most famous trail, the northern section of the Annapurna Circuit, to produce a superb trek that will challenge any Himalayan trekker! Circling Manaslu (8163m), the world's seventh highhest mountain, is a rugged and less developed trail through ancient Buddhist villages close to the Tibetan border, which culminates in a crossing of the high and windswept Larkye La (5105m). From there, the trail descends and intersects with the classic Annapurna Circuit in the village of Dharapani. We head north along this very scenic trail, with great views of the Annapurna massif, and once again gain in altitude as we trek through Manang and eventually over the Thorung La (5416m). The views from this pass are exceptional, stretching out over the Tibetan plateau and the region of Mustang. We descend the pass through the important pilgrimage town of Muktinath and onto Kagbeni, an ancient village with a great location on the Kali Gandhaki Gorge.

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