Cycling The Lake District Of Chile & Argentina


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Discover the beauty of the Andean Lake District on two wheels.


Start Puerto Varas.

Cycle around the edge of Lago Llanquihue to Frutillar.

Ride from Puerto Varas to Petrohue; boat ride on the emerald waters of Todos los Santos Lake.

Begin the Andes crossing to Argentina; lake crossing and some tough cycling sections to arrive at Puerto Blest.

Ferry across Lago Nahuel Huapi to Puerto Panuelo; cycle to Bariloche.

Free day; time to explore the city of Bariloche and ascend the nearby viewpoint of Cerro Campanario.

Transfer to Villa La Angostura; cycle the 'Camino de los Siete Lagos' to San Martin de los Andes.

Ride through Huilo Huilo biological reserve; boat ride to Port Fuy; ride to Choshuenco Village.

Cycle to Panguipulli Village; transfer to Pucon.

Free day in Pucon; optional hot springs or trek up Villarica Volcano (weather dependent).

Transfer to Cunco; cycle into the lunar landscape of Conguillio National Park; stay at base of Llaima Volcano.

Ride through Conguillio N.P.

End Conguillio National Park

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Discover a beautiful and fertile land at the northern gateway to Patagonia - a magical landscape filled with active volcanoes, turquoise rivers, gigantic lakes and ancient native forests. See Andean condors swooping down from the foothills of the cordillera as we cycle on some of the most scenic paved routes that South America has to offer. We'll gain a cultural insight into both Chile and Argentina, including the European influences and indigenous customs that have shaped the region. Cross the Andes twice in spectacular fashion on two wheels as part of an incredible 'once in a lifetime' journey!

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