Explorer Spotlight: Sassy Resuello

By: The Outbound Collective + Save to a List

Name: Sassy Cuna Resuello | Age: 27 | Location: Los Angeles, CA.

What’s your day job? 

I'm a Content Strategist for an internet marketing agency based in Agoura Hills, CA.

What are your favorite things to do outside?

I love chasing the sunrise or viewing the sunset, and stargazing. Definitely stargazing

What first drew you to the outdoors? 

Not long after I moved to Los Angeles (I'm originally from the Philippines), I learned that hiking was one of the most common recreation activities here in the United States. It was a great addition to my fitness routine, and I truly enjoyed the rewarding views of nature, so it became a hobby. I then learned about the National Parks, and how there are protected natural areas here, so I visited one and I fell in love. After that I was determined to see each park, hike every trail, and my travel bucket list instantly changed from visiting cities to visiting outdoor parks. 

The beauty of nature has impacted my life in so many positive ways, and the euphoria of success after each hike is the most rewarding feeling i've ever experienced. Exploring the outdoors is now more than a hobby for me, it is a new found passion

What’s your favorite hometown adventure? ...and, almost as important, where’s your favorite spot to get a beer after? 

Ah, this is hard. There are so many beautiful places in Los Angeles, but if I were to pick one it would probably be hiking the Santa Paula Punchbowls. It's the ultimate adventure from hiking through the woods, to boulder hopping, to swimming in natural pools with waterfalls.

Here's a sad truth, I am actually allergic to alcohol! So I can't drink beer :( But after every hike, I always look for the closest place to get Pho. 

What’s your essential gear that never gets left at home?

My GoPro and my Sony A5100 camera.

What’s your favorite trail snack?

Trail Mix! Oh, and freeze dried ice cream!

Any go-to soundtracks when you’re hitting the road?

Mostly songs from the 90s. 

What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened while you were adventuring? And/ or funniest? 

This may be quite embarrassing. I have this huge phobia towards caterpillars, and I once hiked through this beautiful meadow during the spring and halfway through the path I saw that the field was actually filled with black, hairy caterpillars. I couldn't move at all, and I was literally in tears. Going through the meadow was the only way back to the car, and because I couldn't get myself to walk further my husband had to give me a piggy back ride through the meadow while I closed my eyes. Both of us carried packs, so he had to travel a couple of yards carrying everything, myself included. I don't understand why I fear them so much. I've seen snakes on the trail before, but that didn't freak me out as much as the field full of caterpillars. It was the scariest thing for me. :))

Who’s your number one adventure partner-in-crime? Who inspires you?

My husband, Dx! His passion for camping, hiking, and the outdoors is just as strong as mine, and we both go on adventures together. His perseverance for long and strenuous hikes is inspirational. He keeps me going. :)

What are your top destinations for adventure travel?

Utah & Arizona. These two places are very picturesque and it looks like a completely different world! I will never get tired of the views out there.

What's on the top of your must-do adventure list right now?

Hiking Half Dome in Yosemite.

Show us your most memorable photo, and tell us about it!

This is a photo of the Aurora Borealis taken during our trip to Banff National Park in Canada. Ever since I was a little girl I've always been fond of the stars and other celestial bodies. One thing I had in my bucket list growing up was to see the Northern Lights. 

When we travelled to Calgary last year, we heard that there would be a solar storm so went to Banff National Park to catch a glimpse of the Auroras. We waited until 2am but only saw a faint green color behind the mountains, and by 4am we decided to call it a night. On our way back to Calgary, the lights in the sky all of a sudden started dancing, so we immediately exited the freeway, parked our car, and brought out our cameras and tripods. It moved fast, and its green and magenta colors were visible to the naked eye. It was the most surreal thing ever! Definitely a dream come true.

And last but not least…What’s your personal motto?

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." I strongly believe that the best views are found after you work hard for it ;)

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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