Canyoneer Joshua Tree's Rattlesnake Slot Canyon

Twentynine Palms, California


Added by Kat Carney

Distance: 3 miles round trip. Elevation gain: 380 feet. Duration: 3 hours. Fun rappelling and canyoneering.

The trailhead is located at the end of Indian Cove road. From Indian Cove Campground, take the road to the east about a mile to a picnic area where there is parking at the mouth of the canyon.

From the picnic area hike up the Canyon in a south to south-east direction. After a few hundred yards a deceiving canyon heads almost due west, stay to the south east or the left and continue up the canyon. About a 1/4 to 1/2 mile up you run into what some books describe as a slot canyon. This is a pretty waterfall in the winter or spring after rains. From the top of this waterfall area, drop into the canyon and you might want to build a natural anchor to get down the first significant drop. If there are any anchors at all they will be "nuts" left by rock climbers, not likely to be there after a flood. Polished granite the whole way, so be prepared to build choke knot anchors. About 4 rappels total, but the last one can be avoided by hiking around.

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