Taking That First Trip After Your Divorce

Divorce can be quite painful and harrowing for everyone involved, and it's natural to find yourself feeling a variety of conflicting, unsettling emotions once your divorce has been finalized.

By: Kelly Wilson + Save to a List

Divorce can be quite painful and harrowing for everyone involved, and it's natural to find yourself feeling a variety of conflicting, unsettling emotions once your divorce has been finalized. On one hand, your marriage has ended and you are no longer with your former partner. As anyone who has experienced a breakup of a long-term relationship would know, this can leave you with feelings of depression, hurt, anger, or possibly even guilt. You may feel lonely and vulnerable in the wake of your divorce, and it is perfectly natural if you do.

Then again, maybe your recent divorce has left you feeling happier, stronger and ready to celebrate your newfound freedom. This can especially be true if you were involved in an abusive or dysfunctional marriage, or if your marriage was the primary source of any stress or emotional pain in your life- if this is the case, finally having your marriage come to an end may be a very positive event in your life. You may be feeling ready to try new hobbies, learn new things, and possibly even begin dating again. This is all normal as well; just as every marriage is different, so is every divorce. All your feelings, both positive and negative, are completely valid at this time in your life.

Whether you are mourning the end of your marriage or getting excited about what awaits you in the next chapter of your life, taking a post-divorce trip may be just what you need to bring much-needed closure and prepare you for a new beginning. Much like the way a marriage begins with a honeymoon, a vacation following your divorce can act as something of a "solo-moon," as a way to reconnect with your feelings and manage the stress you have been under in recent months.

If you have been coping with feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety or depression, you may find solace in a quiet, reflective trip that returns your inner focus to yourself and your needs. Some good travel choices may include an outdoor camping or hiking adventure, a sun-filled vacation at a peaceful beach, or even a Bali yoga retreat. Recently-divorced people who want to restore their inner peace and calm their minds may choose to go alone or with a companion, such as a trusted friend or family member, to provide support and motivation for experiencing and enjoying new things.

Then again, perhaps you're more in a celebratory mood and want to commemorate your newly-divorced status with a fun-filled Caribbean cruise, a beach vacation in Mexico, or a wild girls' weekend in Vegas. There's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to welcome yourself back to single life with a bang! We all process life-changing events in our own ways, and if you're in the mood to gather a couple of friends and hit the road, or take a solo trip to a destination you have always wanted to visit, you should take the opportunity and go where your heart leads you.

During your first post-divorce trip, you may find yourself experiencing conflicting emotions at different times, and that's completely natural. For instance, someone who first felt depressed and miserable in the wake of a divorce may wake one morning to discover that he or she feels excitement or even joy about the day ahead. Conversely, a in the midst of a nonstop party weekend to celebrate the end of your marriage, you may suddenly find yourself taking a quiet moment to feel pain, loss or sadness. Neither of these reactions is wrong or strange in any way: we all recover from traumatic events at different speeds, in different ways. There is no correct, expected way to feel or act at any given moment in time- allow yourself to feel what you need to feel, when you need to feel it, and it will help your healing process go more quickly.

Choosing divorce mediation over traditional courtroom litigation is one way to get through the divorce process simply, quickly, and relatively painlessly. With divorce mediation, you can have an outcome that is just as satisfactory as a traditional courtroom divorce, with much less drama, time, and cost. According to Chicago mediation service, choosing divorce mediation may be a good way to get your marriage dissolved as quickly and simply as possible so you can get to the point where you are ready to travel as a solo act. When you are ready to take that first trip after your divorce, you will be able to begin the next leg of your journey, and hopefully reclaim happiness and peace in your life.

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