3 Workouts to Jumpstart Your At-Home Fitness Routine
Join us each week for fitness videos for all levels
The tips to stay active while sequestered indoors are just a Google search away, and you can find a fitness video for almost any movement practice. All you really need is, ya know, the motivation to get up off the couch. (You’ll have to settle that on your own terms.)
Regardless, it’s no time to fall behind on your goals. For as long as we need to stay in isolation, The Outbound will bring you a collection of videos to help you stay active and in shape both physically and mentally. This week, we feature Kirsten Beverley-Waters, yoga, fitness, and wellness instructor at our Pursuit Series events. Kirsten put together three workout videos to help you get started.
Kickstart your morning with balance and strength
Sweat it out with this 20-minute bootcamp
Wind down the day's stresses with these feel good poses
Bonus: Deepen your connection with yourself
Did you enjoy working out with Kirsten? Check out her wellness activities on her website aiirowellness.com or follow along on social @aiirowellness and @klbeverley.
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