New Zealand. From Skyscrapers To Hobbit Village: Journey To The End Of The World

New Zealand is a country at the end of the world, home of the hobbits and one of the best countries to live in according to all ratings. These are beautiful mountains, blue transparent lakes, Jurassic forests, volcanoes, and geysers.

By: James Murphy + Save to a List

It's a place where people, penguins, and seals quietly exist side by side and do not interfere with each other at all. This is truly the perfect destination for a dream trip! It was with this thought that the preparation for the trip began.

We started our journey from the city of Queenstown - a small town in the middle of the mountains, on the shores of a picturesque lake.

We got away a little from a long flight and a change of time zone, rented a car, and went to see the beauty. The roads of New Zealand, by the way, are worthy of the highest praise.

Through lakes Javea and Wanaka we left for the coast of the Tasman Sea. Big waves, black sand, huge seagulls sitting on the rocks, and calmly contemplating the sea are an impressive sight!

We crossed the island from west to east along a beautiful road through a pass in the Southern Alps and drove to the Pacific coast.

On the way, we stopped several times, because around every turn there are landscapes of incredible beauty, which is simply a sin not to capture on camera.

In the evening we were in Christchurch. In 2010-2011, the city was partially destroyed by strong earthquakes. Now it looks like one large construction site, residents rebuild their house day and night. From the streets that survived, it is clear that the city was cozy and beautiful.

We reached the edge of the southern island along the Pacific coast. The fur seals that met on the way overshadowed all the delight of the scenery. Just in the middle of a small town, on a rocky coastline, these cute creatures crawl out to bask in the sun and sleep. And people do not bother them!

You can get from one island to another by ferry across a very beautiful bay. Three hours of the journey pass unnoticed.


A few words about the southernmost capital in the world. The city spreads over the mountain, so walking can be difficult. You are constantly either going up or down. Streets that are at different heights can be accessed through underground parking lots (on foot or by elevator to go down / go up to the desired floor).

Wellington's main attractions:

  • Museum of New Zealand
  • Botanical Garden
  • Mount Victoria
  • Conservation Area Zealandia
  • Parliament Hill
  • Zoo
  • Wellington Sea and City Museum

Two days in Wellington was enough for the head, and we drove on.

And then there was Edgemon National Park, Taranaki Volcano, and Tongariro National Park. Along Lake Taupo, we got to the places where the Earth has not yet cooled down - Craters of the Moon park with smoking geysers.

We also visited the Wai-O-Tapu park with boiling poisonous lakes with the smell of hydrogen sulfide.


The most populous city in New Zealand. There are a lot of people, but they somehow do not interfere. Despite its impressive size, the city is comfortable and cozy. This is the case when every little thing is done for the convenience of residents.

Auckland's main attractions:

  • Cornwall Park
  • Auckland Museum
  • Sky tower
  • Zoo
  • Waitman Harbor

Auckland is also a city of yachts. There are a lot of them here. The boats are on the water and parked on land, they are carried by cars and stored at home in garages.

The local zoo deserves special attention. This is an animal resort where they just enjoy life. For example, otters get peeled large shrimp for lunch. The little elephant loves it very much when the zoo employee scratches his tongue. And a large elephant is bathed from a hose in a pond.

Quick tips for those traveling to New Zealand:

  • It should be borne in mind that everything closes early. Receptions in most hotels and motels close at 20:00. Cafes and restaurants are open until 18:00 (except for big cities). Pubs and bars are open late.
  • New Zealand cuisine is a mixture of English and American: puddings, burgers, fries, and large portions.
  • It's very safe here. You can leave your phone on a bench and no one will take it
  • The people are kind and helpful, but their accent is difficult to understand, especially on the South Island.

You fall in love with this country from the airplane window. Every minute you smile, wonder, and do not believe your own eyes. If there is even a tiny opportunity to visit New Zealand, do not miss this chance. And if there is no opportunity, create it and fly to New Zealand! Trust me, it's worth it.

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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