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How to Prepare For a Strenuous Hike - Super Foods & Super Supplements

How to Prepare For a Strenuous Hike - Super Foods & Super Supplements: Keep fighting fit and get up that hill!

By: James Helliwell + Save to a List

Most people love the outdoors and going out for an adventure.  There are many different pastimes to be had outdoors from hiking to foraging for food. Many different types of food are to be found and most of them are very nutritious and good for health from nettles to truffles all of which can be found on or under the ground.  It is well known you need to boost your system when you are going out on a long hike but what are some of the best things you can eat before your expedition?  Here we will take a look at some of the best foods you can eat before you set yourself up for a long trip and boost your energy levels.

Along the way there are many berries you can pick which will sustain you on your trip but what can you eat before you go?  Kendal mint cake is one of the favourites commonly used by those in the know to push up your energy levels and as a brilliant sugar boost for hiking together with bananas, oats, cranberry’s and brown rice, sweet potato, honey, chia seeds, apples and oranges, spinach and a good assortment of beans all help to raise your energy levels before the hike.  All will help you to get the right “stuff” into your system before you go on your travels.  There are additional supplements available for the avid health kick!

You can get some fantastic supplements to help your endeavours and build muscle strength and stamina both of which are important for strenuous outdoor activities like hiking. You can get Whey Protein powers that are high in proteins that are present in milk, and is a natural by-product of the cheese-making process and branched-chain amino acids. You can get pre work out supplements that contain creatine, as well as a plethora of vitamins and natural acids that will aid you in your hike as that is a big work out.  If you are looking to lose weight you could take fat burners with natural ingredients such green tea to stimulate your metabolism and is a natural fat burner, cayenne pepper which is an appetite suppressant and raises body temperature,  glucomannan to help burn the calories as you hike and get your heart rate pumping from the hard walking. There is a whole range so see this great site that we recommend for top reviews of supplements.

While on your way you can also find wild food such as blackberry’s. A little time looking into these potential super foods are all it takes to identify the good nutritious things to eat and it will help you to get the energy needed for your trip as well as make the journey more enjoyable as you go as learning about some of these foods is an enjoyable exercise in itself. 

Nuts are an incredible source of nutrients for a hike and they are easily packed to take along with you on the journey.  Brazil nuts are some of the most nutritious but there are many others you can take with you like almonds, pecan nuts, pecan, Brazil nuts, pistachios and macadamia nuts are all high energy packed foodstuffs.  These are considered the top nut nutritional fat and high-value nuts to be had in general but there are others of course.

Some of the best snacks you can also enjoy for your jaunt include yogurt and cereals,  popcorn, red peppers and soya crisps which have an abundance of protein as does hummus with oat cakes.

Smoothies are another great way to help set you up for a trip as well with an abundance of fruits that can be used to boost energy with all of your favourite ingredients blended into one lovely drink like green grape and kale with added grapefruit and blackberries with banana.  Blueberries, cherries, blood oranges, watermelon, coconuts, citrus fruits and even pumpkin seeds are also very well suited to the “juicing agenda” as a whole. 

In addition strawberries, kiwi fruits, dates, apricots, goji berries and pineapple are all similarly on the agenda as high energy foods.  

All of these things are great energy boosters for going on an outdoor trip in the hills but remember it is best to boost your energy levels before you go and take some supplement boosters like those mentioned here with you just to make sure you have all of the necessary booster foods with you as you go.  There are lots of excellent foods here to choose from and we hope you have had some good pointers from this article for your future hiking pleasure!







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