A Magical Husky Adventure above the Arctic Circle
A Frozen Adventure in Finland
You know how when you've always wanted to do something on your bucket list, you often wonder if it's going to be as amazing as you imagined it. No? Is that just me?
Going husky sledding has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember, so in February 2017 when planning a trip to Finnish Lapland, it was the one thing I knew we HAD to do.
On the morning of our excursion, we wrapped up in as many layers as we could find (I think I counted 7 in the end) and we met the local guide at the tourist office who drove us out in to the middle of nowhere to her husky farm.
After a brief introduction to dog sledding, and being encouraged to put on one of those really attractive thermal suits, we were given our team of dogs, the instructions of "whatever you do, don't let go as the dogs won't stop for you if you fall off" and we were out of there!
It was around mid-day in February and since we were above the artic circle, the sun lay low in the sky, creating a beautiful golden glow across the frozen fields.
As we trotted through the forests, with iced-over trees glistening like something from the magical world in Frozen, we felt such an atmosphere of calm. The other sleds were far behind us, so here we were, in this peaceful frozen wonderland, trotting along with our team of trusty canines leading the way. Even the cold (I think it was around -15°C) didn't bother us at all. Everything was just magical.
It was really only when we caught site of home that we realized how cold we really were. But even then, we didn't want it to end. It really was everything I had ever hoped for and more. It was my first dog-sledding experience, but it certainly won't be my last.
We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!
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